Chapter 30

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Amelia's POV

I wake up in a cage made of bedrock. I laugh. Enderman can teleport through anything. I'm part enderman. I teleport outside of the cage and brush my self off just as Claire and Jaime come in.
"Amelia! You ok!" Jaime says hugging me.
"When did you get here?" I ask.
"Just a bit ago." I noticed Claire staring at Jaime as if she was scared.
"Let's go back home." I say.
"But what about the others?" Claire asks.
"I bet they'll already be back." I teleport us all back and sure enough I was right. Adam rushes up to Jaime and puts a sword to her neck.
"Who are you and what have you done with Jaime?" He growls.
"A-Adam! What are you talking about? I am Jaime!" She stutters.
"Tell us how you got out of the cage then." He relaxes.
"How did you get out? The was no lock and it was made out of bedrock."
"Why are you only questioning me? What about Paige?"
"I woke up in the process of getting there. Knocked out the guy." She shrugs.
"So then, how did you get out?" Adam smirks.
"She melted the bedrock."
"That's impossible!" I say.
"We all saw." Tyler says.
"You must have seen wrong." I thought Jaime said this but Claire did surprisingly.
"Your on her side?"
"I know more then any of you." She mutters.
"Stop lying! Your not Jaime!" Ty yells. Jaime grabs her head and fall to the ground.
"P-Please stop! My head can't t-take it!" She stutters. All the sudden she jumps out the window and through a portal. Tyler quickly follows her.

Tyler's POV

I follow Jaime to see her disappear and the girl we saw in the scene appear clutching her head.
"Where's Jaime?!?!" She looks at me worriedly. Then it hits me. Jaime wasn't being possessed or anything. This was Jaime!
"P-Please! Just leave me be! Tell the others, go ahead. It seems they hate me now anyways." She says crying. I stare at her amazed. She was actually crying. Tears didn't burn her face, they didn't turn into smoke, they were actual tears.
"Your crying?" I ask amazed.
"Like you don't know I'm not normal." She stands up. She was taller then me and looked around the age of Adam. He's a year older.
"Hey Tyler! Where's Jai-" I turn to Adam. He was glaring at Jaime. "She's back." He pulls out a sword. He slashes Jaime's arm and it heals up.
"What the-" I start to say.
"This is a magma cube hybrid? Who the heck is ever like this? Doesn't burn when she cries, Can heal without lava? Just who are you?!?! Where's Jaime?" She walks over to me and leans to my ear.
"Don't tell Adam who I am. It will just make this more painful," She whispers. She stand up and starts to cry. "I will see you again. But it will be a fight next time." And with that she runs away.

Claire's POV

I was pacing back and forth when Adam and Tyler come back. Adam looking shocked and Tyler looking sad.
"Where's Jaime?" I ask.
"When we got in she was gone and the other girl was there. Then she dissapeared after whispering something to Tyler." He knows.
"You know?" I ask. He nods.
"Know what?"
"Jaime's gone." He says before I could say anything.
"She can't be." Adam mumbles.
"Adam. The next time you'll see her is when you have to fight her. And your hate for her will be even stronger then it is right now. She has to do this."
"You know?!?!" He asks me startled. I smile sadly.
"I know the more about Jaime then you think. But back then she looked and acted differently. By the time you meet her again, she will be back to that way." I start to leave.
"What about the quest?!?!" Owen yells to me.
"It just finished." I say walking away.

Owen's POV

-Six years later-

Claire was right those six years ago. She said Adams hatred towards Jaime would grow and it did. He actually beat his father and is now the new lord of darkness. As for me, Ty is the new enderdragon. Claire and him ended up together. I ended up dating a normal girl named Anna and accepted me for who I was and fixed my powers. I was a regular wolf hybrid. Jason and Amelia ended up together. Paige was the General for Adam. Cameron was her right hand man. Marissa and Payton are now the best sorcerers ever. Alex is a world renowned scientist. And as for Tyler, After school ended he went home and we never saw him again. This was the year Adam and Kaime were supposed to have the huge fight. We were going down to see them. Hidden.

Jaime's POV

I've been waiting for this day. Tyler found me and has been staying with me ever since.
"Hey Jaime! You ready?" He asks.
"Ready for what?" I ask groggily. I only woke up a few seconds ago.
"The fight with Adam?"
"That's today?" I look at my calendar.
"Why am I fighting him again?" I ask getting dressed.
"Frankly it's his fault. He is furious at you." I laugh. I head downstairs to see Tyler reading the news paper. He looks up and smiles.
"Someday soon I forget you look that way and I see the old Jaime." I smile.
"Should we go to the overworld?" I ask.
"You think they forgot what that form of you looks like?"
"Ok. We have time to spare." We go to the portal and hop through. We head to the store getting stairs from everyone.
"I hate this. There all staring at me." I whisper. We head into the grocery store and buy some ice cream. We head back to the portal to see Owen there. We quickly hide behind a bush as he turns this way.
"What do we do?" Tyler mouths. I stand up and go and knock out Owen.
"Sorry." I mumble to him. We walk through and seal up the portal. Finally, it was time for the fight.

Oh! I'm so excited! This will be my very first book to end! I hope I make it good. I just go with whatever pops in my head. Hope you like the chapter and see you in the next one. Bye!

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