Chapter 26

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Adam's POV

The next morning was quiet. No one was talking to anyone. Even when we packed the tents! When one person stood up and headed towards the tent everyone else did. Even on the way to marissa's house no one talked. It wasn't until we got to her house that people started talking.
"Adam! How come you don't visit as often?" She says while everyone stares at her so confused. Well, except Ty, Me and Jason.
"She looks are age!" Cam says surprised.
"Hey! I'll have you know I am one hundred." She huffs.
"But Adam looks older than you! And he's the oldest out of all of us!" Paige says.
"This is my aunt your talking to you know. my family's weird."
"Well I still don't like her." Owen mumbles.
"Ah! Owen! How are you doing?" She says happily.
"Oh shut up Marissa."
"Meanie! I was just asking how you are doing! Why do you hate me?" She complains.
"We were wondering-" She stops me.
"You want the map?" She asks.
"Yes. And I also know that we need to take you be-" She cuts me off again.
"Because I have the map memorized," She finishes. "I also know something else but that's not supposed to happen till... *takes out a script and starts flipping through it.* this isn't even finished!" She shows us the blank paper.
"STOP BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL!!!" Owen yells at her.
"Fine..." She turns away.
"Where are you going?" Claire asks.
"To get my wand and a never ending bag."
"Hey I just realized something, where's Alex?" Jaime asks.
"WE FORGOT HIM!!" Cam yells nervously.

-Back With Alex-

Alex's POV

"They already left." the principal says.
"Oh, ok." I say sadly turning away. Then I realized something. I can just teleport to them!
"puǝıɹɟ ʎɯ oʇ ʇɹodǝlǝʇ ǝɯ ʇǝl!" I say all then sudden I'm at a witches hut. There all facing the opposite way I wak closer and find out there talking about me.
"I can't believe we forgot him!" Paige says.
"Why didn't one of you guys get him!" Jaime says whacking them.
"We don't know where his room is!" Ty yells back.
"WELL MAYBE YOU SHOULD ASK ME!!" I yell. they all turn around.
"ALEX!!" They say happily.

Jamie's POV

"YOU FORGOT ME!!" Alex's yells angrily
"Sorry! We got caught up in coming we thought you were with us!" I say. Just then Marissa comes back out.
"I'm ready!" All she had was a little bag.
"Are you sure? All you have is a little bag." Cam points out.
"How are we getting there? I have enough flying brooms for all of us," she puts her hand in her bag and it her hand sinks all the way till you can only see your shoulder. She pulls out the brooms and turns to us. "Enchanted bag Makes it never ending," she says simply. All the sudden I hear something topple. "My books!" Marissa exclaims. She sticks her head in the bag. "Nevermind," she puts the broom to the left of us. "Now what you need to do is say up. any magical creature can do that." Everyone starts saying up. Alex got it on his first try, Ty wacked himself in the head, mine flew up without me, and I everyone else got there's up. After I got a new broom and Ty woke up, we went back to school.

??? POV

"Hey biggums! Wait up!" I yell to Mitch. all the sudden he stops making me run into him.
"Can you see that too?" I look up in the direction of where he was staring and see all these people coming into view. the were flying. This one girl looked like she didn't have control of whatever they were on and was flying straight towards us!
"Watch out!!!" She yelled right before she rammed into us. "Sorry! Are you ok?!?!" She stares at us checking all over to make sure we're not hurt.
"We're fine! Can I ask why you were flying?" I ask.
"We were coming back from marissa's and she gave us some flying brooms," She turns around. "Hey! Come down!" She yells up to the people. some of them don't hesitate and zoom down. others take awhile and two just jump off in the air and land without a scratch. "Where's Claire?" She asks.
"Right here." We all turn around to a girl drinking a pop.
"See! She flew and got here way before us!" A guy in a white tee says.
"Hi I'm Sky." Says a man putting his hand out. I back up and smile. "what's up Sky?" He looks at me and smiles.
"Jerome!" I turn around it was Jason.
"Hey Jason. What's up?"
"Where have you guys been?!?! You missed Payton's preformance."
"Speaking of the devil."
"Hello!" A boy comes up.
"Hey Payton." The girl who fell onto us says.
"Hey Jaime. Your parents let you out?"
"Jaime, what's he talking about?" Jason asks
"Nothing! So Payton how you doing?"
"Not bad. How are you doing?"
"Jaime! Don't ignore us! What did he mean by your parents let you out?"

Jaime's POV

"Nothing!" I lie.
"You guys don't know? Your like the only people who don't know." Mitch says.
"And I would like to keep it that way."
"Keep what, what way?" I grab the wooden sword from jeromes back pocket and bring it up to Jason's neck.
"Stop. I won't tell. After we finish this quest I will be heading back." I bring the sword down and give it back to Jerome.
"Oh! A quest!" Payton says jumping up and down. "Can I join?"
"Us too then."
"Sure i think anyone who's a hybrid is gonna end up joining. By the way, I know Mitch is a blaze and Jerome is a Bacca hybrid, but what hybrid are you?"
"Oh! That's simple! I'm a-"

And that's where I'm ending it. Recently my friend Payton has joined wattpad! And I feel like I have made this a tradition thing so of course, I'm adding him to the book. Now I'm letting Payton think of what hybrid he wants to be as I don't know what hybrid to make him. Also go follow him! His username is paytonvv. He may have just started wattpad, but his books are pretty good. I'm also going to try and help him learn what you can do on wattpad like how to make chapters, how to change what the genre is, and other stuff like that. So Payton, if you do read this, can you ethier tell me tomorrow or leave in the comments what hybrid you want to be? It doesn't have to be minecraft related. I hope you liked this new chapter and I'll see you in the next one. Bye!

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