Episode 41: Battling vs Catching! Ash vs Goh, and Ash vs Serena!

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Ash, Goh, and Chloe have entered a Pokemon battle tournament. And it turned out that Serena entered as well! Now, in round 2, Ash is faced up against Goh.

"Alright Goh, let's do this!" Ash told him. Goh nodded. "Go Raboot!" Goh sent out his partner. "I had a feeling you'd be using Raboot! Go, Aerodactyl!" Ash sent out his newest Pokemon, Aerodactyl.

"Alright, Aerodactyl, start out with thunder fang!" Aerodactyl flew up to Raboot, and bit it with it's teeth, which were glowing with electricity. "Raboot, counter back with ember!" It kicked it's burning rock at Aerodactyl. Even hitting it in the wing didn't do much. "Now, Aerodactyl, use rock slide!" It then started raining rocks. "Raboot, stop it with double kick!" Raboot tried to counter it by kicking the rocks, but the rocks proved too powerful for Raboot to handle, and Raboot was defeated.

"Raboot is unable to battle, Aerodactyl's the winner!" The Rotom drone declared. "Wow! Ash and Aerodactyl truly showed their strength in that battle! Will Goh be able to come back from this?" The announcer said. "You never cease to amaze me, Ash. However, I'm going to turn this battle around! Go, Flygon!"

Flygon and Aerodactyl seemed to be competitive with each other. Both Ash and Goh were interested to see how this'll go! "Alright, Aerodactyl, use wing attack!" Aerodactyl hit Flygon with it's powerful wings. Flygon took it surprisingly well. "You thought we'd lose that quickly? Flygon, use dragon breath!" Flygon's dragon breath hit Aerodactyl, and Aerodactyl, too, was fine.

"Alright now Aerodactyl, use crunch!" Aerodactyl bites Flygon's wing, which clearly was hurting it. "Flygon, sandstorm!" Ash was confused as to why he commanded that, as it wouldn't do anything to either of them. "Now Flygon, use draco meteor!" Goh was not holding back anymore! "Now, rock slide!" Draco meteor and rock slide both caused such a huge explosion that the sandstorm disappeared.

Both Aerodactyl and  Flygon were barely standing. Aerodactyl fell on it's wing, but was still standing. Flygon, however, has had enough. "Flygon is unable to battle, Aerodactyl is the winner! And thus, the victory goes to Ash!" Ash was amazed by his win. Goh, however, as feeling worse than he did, as he lost without really being able to do anything.

"Don't worry about it, Goh! Flygon was able to give me quite the challenge! You did pretty good, considering you have little battle experience!" Ash reassured Goh. Aerodactyl and Flygon seemed to still be glaring at each other. "Well, it looks like those two are rivals now!" Ash noted.

Serena's Delphox was pretty easily able to overcome her opponent. That meant that as long as both of them won in the semi finals, they'd both end up fighting each other in the final round!

"Why do Ash and Serena both need to be so strong? They both got through round 2 without losing any Pokemon..." Goh thought to himself. Chloe tried helping him out, but he just ignored her. "You didn't do so bad!" Serena came in and said to Goh. "I've seen almost every battle Ash had in Kalos, and he almost never got down after a loss, and even when he did against Viola and Wulfric, he was able to get back from it!" Serena reassured Goh. Goh was upset, but not as upset. "I'll calm him down, Serena." Chloe told her.

She went back to the stands and saw that Ash has already scored his first win! His opponent sent out the Pokemon that Ash was worried about facing against, and is probably why he chose Gengar: Alakazam.

"Alright Gengar, be careful! Use night shade!" Gengar's night shade hit Alakazam. "Alakazam, psyshock!" Alakazam used psyshock on Gengar, which did a lot. "Gengar, shadow ball!" Gengar shot a shadow ball at Alakazam. "Alakazam, psychic, and don't give Gengar time to recover!" Alakazam just threw Gengar around and around.

"Gengar!" Gengar seemed to be hurt a lot. However, it didn't seem done yet. "Alright, let's use that new move we learned! Gengar, icy wind!" Gengar used icy wind to slow Alakazam down. "Now Gengar, let's end this with shadow ball!" Gengar hit Alakazam with shadow ball and won. "Alakazam is unable to battle, Gengar is the winner! Thus, the victory goes to Ash!" The rotom drone announced.

Serena was able to win her battle too. The tournament would come down to Ash and Serena! "You were great, Serena!" Ash praised her. "Thanks, Ash!" Serena blushed.

"This has been an amazing tournament! From Serena giving Chloe her great first battle, to Aerodactyl barely taking down Flygon, this tournament has been a great one! Ash, the alola champion who's competing in the world championships, and Serena, the runner up top coordinator in Hoenn, are both amazing trainers! However, only one can emerge victorious!" The announcer announced.

"Go Dragonite!" Ash sent out his Dragonite. "Dragonite, huh? Well then, go, Altaria!" Serena sent out her Altaria. This will be a battle of dragons!

"Use dragon dance!" Dragonite and Altaria both dragon danced at the same time. "Now Dragonite, dragon claw!" "Altaria, aerial ace!" Dragon claw and aerial ace collided, and dragon claw was the winner.

"Dragonite, hurricane!" "Altaria, dragon pulse!" The collision of hurricane and dragon pulse was pretty fierce. When the smoke all cleared...

"Both Dragonite and Altaria are unable to battle!" The Rotom drone announced. What a surprise! A double knockout! Ash and Serena were down to one Pokemon each!

"Serena, that was amazing!" Ash complimented her. "Thanks Ash!" She liked that. "Well, we're both down to one Pokemon each. We both know what match up we need! Go, Pikachu!" Ash sent out his buddy, Pikachu. "You're right, Ash! Go, Sylveon!" Serena sent out her Sylveon.

"Pikachu, iron tail!" Pikachu's iron tail hit Sylveon hard. "Sylveon, hyper voice!" Sylveon began singing. "Pikachu, cover your ears!" But Pikachu couldn't listen, as it was immobilized by cute charm! Hyper voice hit hard.

"Pikachu, shake it off and use electroweb!" Pikachu didn't shake it off, but still used electroweb. "Sylveon, moonblast!" There was a huge collision and explosion. When it cleared up, both Pokemon were fine, and Pikachu shook off the cute charm.

"Now, thunderbolt!" "Let's do moonblast!" This time, thunderbolt overpowered moonblast, and Sylveon was defeated.

"Sylveon is unable to battle, Pikachu's the winner! And thus, the victory goes to Ash!" The Rotom drone declared. "Thank you for the amazing battle, Serena!" Ash told her. "You're welcome, Ash!" Serena responded.

The prize money was all the money Cerise needed to repair the dome! Goh, however, STILL didn't feel better. However, he seemed to be getting more chill.

And so, another adventure has ended! Chloe and Goh both learned valuable lessons about Pokemon training, and Ash had a great reuniting with Serena! But when will Goh no longer be depressed?

To be continued...

Sorry it took so long

I'm lazy and my school hates me, I don't have much time on me.

Anyways, thanks for 50+ votes!

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