Episode 33: Let's trade our Pokemon!

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As our two heroes are growing stronger and catching more Pokemon, Goh is at the store to get an item.

"I would like a metal coat, please!" Goh asked the shopkeeper. "Surely, as long as you have 2500 dollars, that is!" The shopkeeper replied. Goh used the money Ash gave him and bought the metal coat.


"Hey Ash! I got a metal coat at the shop!" Goh told Ash. "Oh yeah? That's great! But what do you need a metal coat for?" Ash asked. "Really? You don't know? Well I suppose I should tell you. Scyther is a Pokemon that's a trade evolution. However, not only is Scyther a trade evolution, it also needs to hold a metal coat. And it would appear that a trade convention is going on today." Goh explained.

"Yeah? Then let's go!" Ash declared.

A few hours later, at the trade place...

"Now the question is Goh, which Pokemon do we trade, even if it's temporary? Also, why did you bring Pinsir?" Ash asked. "Well, don't you have any trade evolution Pokemon? If you do, you should trade it, as we'll both benefit off of it! As for Pinsir, I thought it would be inspired to grow stronger by witnessing Scyther evolve." Goh explained.

"If I remember correctly, Boldore is a trade evolution!" Ash responded. "Great! Then let's trade!"

Ash and Goh traded their Scyther and Boldore, and when the two emerged from the trade machine, they both started glowing. They were evolving! They then proceeded to become a great big Scizor and a great big Gigalith!

 They were evolving! They then proceeded to become a great big Scizor and a great big Gigalith!

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They both traded back each other's Pokemon

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They both traded back each other's Pokemon. "Wow! This is so amazing! I've wanted a Gigalith for such a long time!" Ash exclaimed. 

"A Gigalith, huh? Well why don't you battle me then?" a girl's voice said. "A battle? Well why would I say no?" Ash responded.


"An official World Championships battle has been registered! The battle will be a one-on-one between Ash and Kricketina!" The Rotom drone announced.

"Go, Gigalith!" Ash sent out his newly evolved Gigalith. It seemed eager to battle, which wasn't surprising since this was it's first battle in a long time.

"I may seem stupid for choosing to battle a trainer with a rock type, but I've got a strategy for rock types! Go, Heracross!" Kricketina announced. Her Heracross immediately got sent out, and upon being sent out, it started flexing.

"Heracross, the perfect counter to Gigalith! Well, use rock blast!" Ash commanded. Rock blast seemed to do some damage, but not much.

"Heracross, use brick break!" Heracross ran up to Gigalith and slammed it with it's hand at full force, which seemed to put a dent in Gigalith's hard as rock head. "Don't give up Gigalith, use flash cannon!" Gigalith fired a flashy beam at Heracross from point range.

"You think that's enough to stop us? Heracross, use megahorn!" Heracross stabbed Gigalith with it's horn. "We seem to be even, Kricketina, but that won't last long! Gigalith, use stone edge!"

Gigalith crashed it's powerful legs into the ground. Sharp tooth shaped rocks damaged Heracross severely.

"Heracross, don't let up! Use close combat!" Heracross rapidly punched Gigalith. "Gigalith, rock blast!" Ash commanded Gigalith. "Not this time! Heracross, use brick break!" Heracross smashed the rocks Gigalith blasted in half.

Meanwhile, while watching the battle, Goh's Pinsir seemed amazed. It's as if...Pinsir has a crush on Heracross?!

"Gigalith, flash cannon!" Gigalith tried shooting a beam again, but Kricketina seemed unimpressed. "Heracross, mega horn!" megahorn broke through flash cannon easily. "Now Heracross, use close combat!" close combat seemed to do a lot.

"One more hit, and Gigalith is down. This isn't looking too good..." Goh said worried. Pinsir, on the other hand, was amazed, as if it wanted Heracross to win!

"Gigalith..." Ash said, worried for his Pokemon. Fortunately, it was able to get up. It nodded at Ash.

"Alright Gigalith! It's time we use that new move! I have no idea what it does, but it sounds powerful! Now Gigalith, meteor beam!" Gigalith started charging a powerful beam! It seemed to be overflowing with power from the stars!

"Meteor beam...? What's that move?!" Goh was shocked at Ash pulling out this new move. Scizor was amazed at the power of it's trade buddy. Pinsir however was worried.

"I've never heard of this move before, but it doesn't matter! Gigalith is weakened! Finish it off, with hyper beam!" Heracross was able to shoot it faster, but just before it hit, meteor beam finished charging, which not only overpowered hyper beam, but also hit Heracross!

When the dust cleared, Heracross was down and out. "Heracross is unable to battle, Gigalith is the winner! Thus, the victor is Ash!" The Rotom drone declared.

"Wow Ash! You sure are strong! And as for you..." Kricketina looked at Goh. "What? Uh...what do you want?" Goh asked. "Why don't you trade one of your Pokemon for my Heracross! I'm sure you too will do great together!" She told him. "Wait what?" Goh was confused.

"Not to mention, it looks like my Heracross and your Pinsir have something going on!" She said with a smug face.

"Not to mention, it looks like my Heracross and your Pinsir have something going on!" She said with a smug face

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"What? What are you talking about?" Goh asked, oblivious to the situation.

"Wow! They must really like each other!" Ash exclaimed.

"Well, anyways, I have more then one Dustox, I'll gladly give you one, if you don't have one, that is!" Goh told her. "A trade it is then!" Kricketina exclaimed.

They head inside, and they do the trade. "Thanks! It was nice meeting you Kricketina!" Goh said. "Let's have another battle sometime!" Ash told her.

As Ash continues to climb in the ranks, Goh continues to fill his Pokedex

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As Ash continues to climb in the ranks, Goh continues to fill his Pokedex. He's not only made a new friend in Heracross and had his Scyther evolve, but his Pinsir has made a huge friend!

To be continued...

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