Episode 38: Digging and restoring the fossils! Ash vs Aerodactyl!

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It's been rough for Ash and Goh. Goh is angry at Ash, and not only that, but also depressed. Ash is worried about dropping back to the normal class.

"Maybe my other Pokemon need a chance...so far, I've mainly been using Pikachu, Riolu, Farfetch'd, and Sobble. I haven't given Mimey or Slowking ANY action yet." Ash was thinking of strategies.

"We've recently received a request from the Pewter city museum. They told us that they'll give the money to repair the hole if we help them with the fossils." Professor Cerise informed Ash. Chloe was there too, and she seemed to want to join the boys. Goh, however, didn't seem to want to go. It seemed as if that image of Raboot was stuck in his head.

"Come on Goh, you aren't like this. Sides, wouldn't you want to catch something?" Chloe told Goh. Goh said "Well, if you want me to come, then bring me with you."

Ash and Chloe sighed and dragged Goh. They knew there was no other way.

Later, when they arrived at Pewter city...

They were digging fossils for the curator there. Goh brought his Golurk. His Golurk was doing way more digging than Goh. "Why didn't you bring Yamper along?" Ash asked Chloe. "Well, Yamper doesn't usually leave the house..." She answered.

They continued moving some rocks. It had been about an hour by then. But at that point in time, they still had found no fossils.

"Maybe I should get my other Pokemon to help!" Ash sent out the others he brought with him, who were Riolu, Sobble, Slowking, Dragonite, and Mimey.

Goh tried asking Raboot to help, but it just ignored him. Goh didn't understand why Raboot was acting the way it was.

Golurk, out of all of Goh's Pokemon, was being the most helpful, moving rocks quickly, no matter how heavy the rocks were.

Riolu and Sobble were working together, as neither could lift the rocks on their own.

Slowking was able to levitate multiple rocks at once, however, since it was very slow, took time to do it. Dragonite wasn't helping at all first, as it was hugging everyone, however, it eventually realized what everyone was doing, and started hugging the rocks to move them. Did it make sense? No, however it worked. Mimey just focus punched all of the attacks.

Team rocket was spying on them. What were they planning to steal this time? "So, the twerps are digging for fossils." Jessie said. "And they're doing this for money!" James added. "Looks like the twerps are following in our footsteps!" Meowth finished.

"Let's wait for them to go to sleep, then we strike!" They all declared.

It had been two hours at that point, yet no fossils were found. "It's been a couple of hours, yet no fossils have been found. Should we give up?" Ash asked. "Yeah, probably." Goh and Chloe said together. At that moment, Riolu and Sobble were calling for Ash!

Ash went up to his Pokemon, and they were holding a fossil! He recognized it...it was an old amber!

Ash brought the old amber to the curator. He was very pleased to see it! "All right! You actually brought me an old amber! I'll put that in the machine, and tomorrow we'll restore it!" The curator told the three children. They were all very tired from all that digging, so they immediately went to sleep after dinner.

Ash was thinking about the old amber. "That old amber...I remember it! It becomes an Aerodactyl! An Aerodactyl..." He then dreamed about the Aerodactyl that terrorized Oreburgh city. Then, his dreams got even worse, as he dreamed about the Aerodactyl that tried to eat him! If it weren't for Charizard and Jigglypuff, he would not be alive today.

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