Episode 37: the mysterious spy...

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It's a normal day in Cerise park. Ash is training with his Pokemon while Goh stands there doing nothing. That's about to change.

"Goh, I'm going to search for world championship trainers." Ash told him. Goh then nodded.

Ash and Goh part ways to catch Pokemon/battle trainers. As Goh heads off towards the nearby forest, he hears an explosion. The explosion sounded like it was coming from Cerise laboratory. Goh, worried about what was going on, ran back to check out what was going on.

When he returned to Cerise park, lots was wrong. He noticed that Caterpie, Metapod, Weedle, Kakuna, Paras, Venonat, One of his Dustox, and most of his Flabebe were missing. There could be more missing, but at the moment, those were the ones he noticed.

Then he saw it. A hole in one of the walls. The Pokemon must have escaped through this hole. But the question was, how was this hole made? He then realized that the explosion he heard must've been what created the huge hole. But who, or what caused the explosion?

Suddenly, he noticed a tall and menacing figure. Right next to the person was a blue, humanoid lizard. It looked similar to Sobble, yet different. "Was it an evolution of Sobble?" he thought to himself. He then pulled out his Rotom phone to scan it.

 He then pulled out his Rotom phone to scan it

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"Inteleon, the secret agent Pokemon. A water type, and the final evolved form of Sobble. 

It has many hidden capabilities, such as and a membrane on its back that it can use to glide through the air.
Its nictitating membranes let it pick out foes' weak points so it can precisely blast them with at Mach 3."

"Hey! What'd you do to my Pokemon?!" Goh asked. "Your Pokemon...they were being neglected, so I released them." He said. "Hey! Give them back!" Goh commanded. "It's too late, they've already retreated to the forest." He told Goh.

"But why would you do something like that...?" Goh was at the brink of crying. "They had no chance. You only payed attention to certain ones." Goh had enough of what he was hearing. "Grrr, go Raboot!" Raboot came the second it heard it's name. "Oh? So you think you can beat me?" He said.

"Yes I can! Raboot, use quick attack!" Raboot quickly ran up to Inteleon. "Inteleon, snipe shot." The mysterious trainer commanded. Inteleon pointed at Raboot and shot a water bullet at it. Raboot was clearly majorly damaged, but Goh didn't care. "We're not losing to a freak like this! Raboot, double kick!" Raboot got up and tried kicking Inteleon. "Inteleon, do it." Inteleon stabbed Raboot with it's sharp tail.

Raboot was clearly not in a good state. Not a good state at all. It looked like it was...Goh stopped thinking. He started crying and rushed to a Pokemon center.

Suddenly, Ash's phone started ringing. He thought a challenger was nearby, but it was a call from Goh. "Ash, you need to get to the park, now! Someone released a bunch of my Pokemon..." Goh showed an image of the state Raboot is in. "A Pokemon center isn't going to do the trick for this one, Raboot needs a hospital." Ash told Goh.

Ash quickly flew back to Cerise park on Dragonite. "Hey! Who are you?" Ash asked the mysterious trainer. "Well, you're not the Pokemon abuser here, so I can tell you. My name is James. Not the guy from team rocket, however." He told Ash.

"I don't care who you are! You don't go releasing other people's Pokemon against their will!" Ash exclaimed. "Oh? So you're challenging me?" James said.

"Dragonite, let's go!" Ash commanded. "Well then, I accept your challenge." James responded.

It turned out he was in the world championships too, so the battle was an official world championships battle.

"Dragonite, hurricane!" Ash wanted to end this quick, so he started out strong with hurricane. "Use shadow ball." James was just confident, as if he knew he'd win. Dragonite took the shadow ball pretty well, though.

"Alright Dragonite, use dragon claw!" Dragonite tried hitting Inteleon, but it dodged to the side without even being commanded. "Air slash." Inteleon's moves just keep getting more and more surprising.

"What? Dragonite, hyper beam!" Dragonite shot a hyper beam at Inteleon, but Inteleon took it. "I don't have time for this. Inteleon, ice beam." Inteleon shot a beam of ice, and Dragonite was frozen solid.

"Dragonite is unable to battle, Inteleon is the winner! as such, the victory goes to James, from...actually, we don't know where James is from." The Rotom drone declared.

"You're strong, and perhaps it would've gone differently if dragon claw hit or you dragon danced." James commanded. "Really? But why would you give me info like that?" Ash asked. "You may be better at controlling anger than before, but you still aren't the same when angry. You're very strong, but I've noticed that you don't battle the same when you're angry. Make sure to control your anger, ok?" He told Ash.

"...Got it." Ash responded. James started to head out. "Wait! Before you go, I have one thing to ask you. What is your reasoning behind blowing a hole in the park?" Ash asked. He sighed. "This place is dangerous. If you're not careful, a creature as small as a Skwovet can devastate this place. The small Pokemon like the ones I freed would have no chance. About your friend, make sure he cares for his Pokemon more, if you don't, I'll have the police shut this place down." He told Ash, before leaving.

Ash was worried. If Goh wasn't careful, the place would be shut down. He then headed back and told Goh what was up.

"What?! Ash? You're saying I'm doing Pokemon training wrong? But...but...I thought we were friends..." Goh sounded sad. "We are but-" Before Ash could finish his sentence, Goh interrupted. "Forget it, Ash. I don't wanna hear your excuse. And here I thought I finally made a friend in Ash..." Goh ran off.

Professor Cerise then informed Ash that they didn't have enough money to rebuild the hole and would need to get money through adventures.

Ash took Dragonite to the Pokemon center. The nurse promised Dragonite would be ok. However, Ash was upset. Not that he lost, but because of the state Goh was in. He was friends with Goh, even if he was criticising him. He was just trying to protect the lab.

And so, Ash has recieved a new rival. Goh is going to need to change his ways, or the lab will be shut down! And how will they keep the Pokemon from escaping?

To be continued...

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