Chapter XIV: Stand Together or Fall Apart

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The crew of six draconians that were destined to save the world trekked together for many days. After a week, when the vessels were pretty much all entirely acquainted with each other, the world truly began to fall apart. Terrible earthquakes ravaged the world, many died, and demons ran amuck, making the horrible situation even worse.

If the map Ryan had obtained was correct, as well as the vessels’ math, they still had about a fortnight to go before they reached Mount Coronor. The group just hoped the Earth would still exist by then.

The six fought through uncountable monsters, suffered innumerable wounds, and flew and travelled through countless areas of the world, and though every step they were a bit closer, the mountain where the apocalypse would be halted seemed farther and farther away the longer the draconians voyaged, rather than feeling closer and closer.

They kept each other entertained anyway though, playing games, cracking jokes, training, and whatever else they could find to keep themselves amused.

Nothing would prepare them for what would happen exactly one fortnight from when they would, if they survived, reach Mount Coronor, though.

The group was passing through a peaceful plains biome, that, in hindsight, was definitely too serene to exist during the apocalypse. The six vessels didn’t seem to notice though, too wrapped up in whatever conversation they were having and continuing to travel.

They were halfway through the plains, though, when disaster struck.

Lava erupted from the ground, spilling all over the grass, fire blazing from the highly combustible earth. The draconians were just in front of where the molten rock burst from the terrain, the force of the event knocking them back and sprawling them out on the earth.

From the crater demons crawled out, cackling evilly and howling, as well as mocking the vessels that were slumped on the ground.

Lastly, something else flew from the gaping hole, hovering above the pit. It was clothed in robes, a pentagram clearly glowing on its forehead. It held a demonic looking staff, its skin red with dark blotches that were seemingly burned on. Its face was cruel and evil, dark claws connected to the grubby fingers on its disgusting hands.

The terrible monster stared down at the draconians, letting out a horrible sounding chuckle as they scrambled to stand from where they had been knocked down.

“Seems you’re more trouble than expected!” It cackled, darting around in the sky. “Let’s see how tough you are when not all of you stand!”

The creature waved its staff menacingly, evil red lightning fizzling from it and, with an unmatched speed, striking Jack, Ray, and Michael. The three were immediately thrown into the air, then suspended there by unknown means. They were all reacting differently, though all three suffered the same.

Jack clutched at his throat, his breaths shallow and weak, as if he was being suffocated. Michael was frozen, still as stone, barely breathing, as if he was frozen in time. Ray may have had it worst, though, as shadowy flames crawled up and down his skin, not burning, but causing the sensation of such, leaving the draconian trembling and suffering, trying his hardest not to cry out.

The other vessels that remained stood their ground, faces ones of steely determination. Geoff readied his pistol, Gavin his bow, and Ryan his staff, the three in sync as they pointed the weapons at the terrible creature that tortured their friends.

In response, it just cackled again, before shooting bolts of red lightning that set the ground aflame, and sicking the underling demons on the vessels as half of them struggled in pain.

The demons and flames were easy enough to defeat or dodge, but the wizardly being impeding their progress was not so simple to stop. He parried or protected himself from every ranged attack, leaving the remaining three vessels to have to attack him up close.

With a look at each other and a nod of their heads, the three took to the skies, hoping to take the monster down that way.

That was the worst mistake they made.

They charged together, breath powers at the ready as they prepared to attack.

They moved in quickly, flying fast and agilely, dodging the attacks their adversary threw at them, blocking out the noises of agony emanating from their comrades. As they got in range though, the creature lifted its staff above its head and created a shield that blocked them all and sent them flying back at an unbelievable speed.

Geoff was sent directly into a tree, which knocked him unconscious immediately. Gavin was sent spinning out of the sky, a red lightning bolt colliding with his chest on the way down, knocking him out as his body twitched and moved uncontrollably. Ryan was sent directly into the dirt, creating a shallow hole where he landed.

He coughed up blood and brought a hand to his hair, blood running though his fingers when he saw the hand again. Ryan choked out another breath, certain it would be his last, the edges of his vision going dark as he decided to close his eyes for the final time. Just as he did so, though, Ryan could feel a familiar darkness creep into his heart, the feeling at home there, as if that was wear it belonged. Ryan could feel the power coursing through him as he prepared to open his eyes, something he imagined he would never do again.

Ryan Haywood would not be so easily defeated.

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