Chapter XXVI: For the Fate of the World

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About an hour after Geoff collapsed after defeating the disgusting mutant wyvern, Jack awoke with a start. His head was pounding, and he had marks signifying that something had forcibly grabbed his ankles, but besides that, he was fine.

The water vessel then proceeded to look around, noticing four of his friends lying nearby in similar states of injury, then catching sight of Geoff's limp and bloodied form.

Running as fast as he could without endangering himself or making his head hurt too much, the water draconian dashed across the landing the six had stopped at and swiftly reached his wounded companion. Jack instantly noticed the two slashes that resided on the life vessel's side and chest, quickly opening his water canteen as he surveyed the damage that had been done to Geoff.

At this point, the other four draconians were beginning to wake up, chatting quietly amongst themselves. They all noticed that the water draconian was hunched over Geoff, a scared look on his face, but they remained where they were, feeling that it was best to allow Jack to heal in peace; especially because they were all fairly unscathed themselves.

As the voices of the others began to register in the water vessel's ears, he began to manipulate the water in his canteen, bending it and soaking the life draconian's wounds with it, attempting to use the water to heal him. It seemed to be working, the liquid seemingly enticing the vessel's skin to knit back together and heal, but it was a slow process, and Jack knew that they didn't have that kind of time.

As long as Geoff was still alive, they could keep moving forward.

Jack called out the plan to continue the journey to the top of the mountain as soon as his water canteen ran dry and Geoff's wounds were mostly healed. The water draconian beckoned for Ryan to help him carry the life vessel up Mount Coronor, to which the death draconian agreed. They started up the peak as soon as everyone's things were gathered and Ryan and Jack were somewhat comfortably carrying the life vessel, the Lads leading the Gents up the mountain.

After the group trekked up about another quarter of the mount, Geoff finally awoke, instantly demanding that his two fellow Gents put him down so he could walk, to which the two draconians in question just laughed, but complied with nonetheless.

This was also when the mountain began to quake.

It was subtle at first, just a slight, gentle shaking, but as the vessels neared the top of Mount Coroner it got worse and worse, the quaking becoming more and more violent, as if the peak was about to erupt.

The group of six draconian were running at this point, scared of what was occurring with the mountain underneath their feet. All of them, even the still recovering Geoff, began to sprint up the precarious stairs carved into the mount, throwing caution to the wind as they sprinted higher and higher up.

After about a half an hour, with the mountain shaking violently underneath them, the vessels reached the top of Mount Coroner. It was oddly flat, with a sort of ritual setup adorning it. There were six intricate stone altars placed in a circle, with an ominous obsidian pedestal in the middle of the circle of altars.

The draconians quickly each took an altar, which all changed color when the vessels approached. Geoff's became dark green, Ray's was brown, Jack's was light blue, Gavin's was light green, Michael's was red, and Ryan's became grey.

Once that occurred, all six placed both hands on their respective altars, watching in fear and confusion as blood began to strangely leak from their hands and color the strange carvings on the altars.

The ritual for saving the world from the apocalypse had begun.

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