Chapter XXVII: One Final Challenge

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As their blood flowed through their respective altars, the six vessels watched as crackling energy began to arise from the pedestals they were standing at. Each collection of energy began to form into an orb, each energy orb becoming the same color as the altar it arose from.

The energy collections hovered in place for a bit, growing in size until they were each the size of a normal draconian head. They then flew forward, encircling the obsidian pedestal that rested in the middle of the ritual like circle on top of Mount Coronor. After floating in their respective positions around the obsidian podium for a few moments, the rumbling beneath the energy collections growing more violent all the while, they all sprang forward, beginning to mesh and fuse with each other in a great burst of light.

Once the light had faded, the six orbs of energy had merged into one, larger, energy sphere. Said sphere was multicolored, being red, light green, dark green, light blue, grey, and brown all at the same time.

When the single orb with all the vessels' energy formed it began to immediately shift and rise, situating itself directly above the ominous obsidian pedestal. It crackled and fizzled with energy, preparing to heal the apocalypse bearing world. Just as it went to explode and cast its healing light across the Earth, though, something terrible happened.

The great mountain of Mount Coroner split right in two.

The division was powerful, unbalancing the vessels, who had been watching the energy orb in happiness and relief, knocking some of them to the ground.

That wasn't even the worst part, though.

From the chasm that was created, darkness began to spew. It reached up in tendrils, growing and forming some sort of being. It worked rapidly, taking advantage of the surprised draconians, said six trying to regather their bearings, the darkness coming together to create new life.

This creature was just a head at first, with demonic, evil looking eyes, countless sharp fangs, and terrifying, spiraling horns. It was more within minutes though, having giant, expansive wings, a humongous scaly body, four clawed, feet like limbs, and a long, reptilian tail, all made of pitch black darkness.

It was a demonic reincarnation of a dragon of old.

A dragon, a mythical ancestor of the draconian.

And it proceeded to consume the world healing energy orb.

All six of the vessels subsequently gasped at this, in shock that all of their struggles, their determination, had been all for naught in a matter of seconds.

But this was not true.

The demon dragon had only swallowed the orb, restricting its power, but not destroying it. It could be seen glowing in the chest of the dark dragon, which calmed the draconians only slightly.

They still did have to free the energy sphere, after all.

At this realization they all looked at each other, sharing glances of persistence and the will to succeed before taking to the sky. There they began to channel their breath powers, with Geoff growing spiked vines from his fingertips, Ray conjuring large chunks of rock, Jack creating scalding hot balls of water, Gavin preparing to throw a miniature tornado, Michael readying a blast of fire, and Ryan using his staff to prime skulls for launch.

As they hovered, preparing to attack, the mythical being of darkness roared, which was a loud, powerful sound, and beat its large wings, launching itself from the chasm from whence it had formed, readying itself to fight back. This triggered the vessels yelling back at the dragon, their battle cries strong and full of perseverance.

And with those yells they attacked the beast, preparing to fulfill their destinies and save the world from the apocalypse once and for all.

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