Chapter VI: Death

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Ryan was what you would call “insane.” He was manipulative, talked about murder as if it was an ordinary subject to talk about, and was just a generally dark guy. Some said that it was because of his breath power of death, while others said he had mental problems. Ryan just ignored them, because he knew that he acted the way he did because of a combination of both. He accepted and embraced his mindset through his personality, and how he went by his middle name rather than his true name, James.

Ryan was actually really intelligent and likable, though many stayed away from him due to their first impressions of him. This was fine with Ryan, he preferred to study technology, play video games, and do other hobbies by himself. He was a naturally independent person.

If people thought about it enough, it was actually kind of obvious that Ryan was probably a vessel. He was incredibly strong, had crazy control over his breath power of death, which was pretty much a division of necromancy, and was actually a good guy if you looked past his dark nature and homicidal tendencies.

Ryan didn’t look like a vessel, though. He actually looked like the exact opposite of a vessel. His color was an ashy grey, which looked quite intimidating, had two long, slightly curved horns atop his head, and had long claws. Ryan’s tail was covered in many spikes of various lengths, and ended in a pointy arrowhead like shape. His wings were, like most draconians, Ryan’s most distinctive feature, though. His wings were broad and boasted an extremely large wingspan, but that wasn’t what made them so distinguishing. It was what they looked like that did that. They were demonic and evil looking, the ends of the wing bones popping out and curly sinisterly, and the wings themselves being covered in short, sharp spines. The tops of the wings also became claws, though they didn’t serve much use other than looking intimidating. The skin of the appendages was ripped and torn as well, though that had always been that way and hadn’t been damaged through anything that happened to Ryan.

Though Ryan seemed anything but ordinary though, the day he was branded as a vessel was.

Ryan was doing some programming in his small home in the small riverside village he inhabited when his eyes began to burn. He paused in his typing and rubbed his eyes, confused as to what was happening. As the burning began to intensify, Ryan became more curious, and eventually got up and walked to the bathroom.

He was not surprised when he saw the deep grey orbs staring back at him in place of his eyes when he looked in the mirror. Ryan just hesitated for a moment then began to laugh manically, not caring, like always, who heard him. He had always predicted that he would be a vessel, if they actually existed, that was. Ryan then walked back to his bedroom and began to pack supplies for his journey to Mount Coronor. He picked out an ordinary grey messenger bag, and thought for a bit before beginning to pack.

Ryan packed fairly lightly, only putting some unperishable food, two water bottles, a blanket, a hunting knife, a box of matches, and some spare clothes into his bag. The last thing he retrieved was a staff topped with a glowing orb that he had bought at an auction from its spot hung on his wall. The staff was said to channel the power of a vessel, so Ryan thought it would be useful. The orb atop it always rapidly changed color, cycling between the six colors of dark green, light green, red, blue, brown, and grey. When Ryan held the staff, the orb stayed a dark grey for as long as he held it, but went back to its usual state when he fastened it to his belt.

Saving his progress on his programming and shutting his computer down, Ryan looked around at the home he would be leaving abandoned for a while. He just shrugged when he was done taking it all in. He didn’t mind going on an adventure, the town he lived in was starting to bore him anyway. Taking one last look around, Ryan then strode out of his house, throwing his bag over his shoulder and locking the door as he did so.

Ryan then looked both ways down the empty dirt road, then sprinted into the middle of it and began to run down it. He then spread his wings, and with a leap and a couple flaps of his wings, Ryan took flight.

As he began to fly, Ryan laughed maniacally again, thinking of his new journey and all the ways he could manipulate his new vessel “companions.”

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