Chapter VII: The Two That Met Atop the Hill

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After a few days of traveling, Jack still couldn’t even see Mount Coronor. He just hoped that he was going in the right direction. On the fifth day of journeying, he decided to set up camp on a tall hill, hoping that the high altitude would possibly allow him to see far into the distance.

Jack folded his wings behind him as he walked to the edge of the hillside. The hill he had chosen was tall, but it was also very steep, so he cautiously watched where he was walking. But, though the hill rose high off the ground, Jack still couldn’t see Mount Coronor. Or any mountain, really.

He ended up just sighing and sitting down at the edge of the steep hillside, his legs dangling over the edge and his tail flicking back in forth in slight irritation. And though he was ever so slightly annoyed, Jack couldn’t deny that the view from the hill was quickly taking the edge off of his exasperation.

The view actually reminded him of the mountain village where his home was established, and the view from there was one of the reasons he had decided to settle there. The sun was setting by the time Jack had chosen a hill to rest at, and between the fatigue from flying the entire day, and the enrapturing and beautiful scene in front of him, which was only heightened by the setting sun, Jack didn’t even notice when the sound of feet landing on lush grass occurred behind him.

The draconian that had just landed behind Jack stilled, surprised that he had not been heard. He wondered who this draconian was that was just sitting out on a hill in the middle of nowhere, but actually though, he had no desire to find out.

Geoff quietly pulled his pistol from the pocket it was stored in in his backpack, and checked that it was loaded before readying to fire. He had come across some bandits before this singular draconian, and knew that he couldn’t trust anyone he came across. It would be better off to just kill this blue winged and tailed draconian now.

Little did he know though, was that when he turned the safety for his pistol off, the quiet click was heard. Jack stilled when his ears picked up the sound, curious as to how to deal with the problem he now had before him. He decided to just incapacitate his attacker by using a ball of water.

As Geoff stepped forward silently towards Jack, his pistol aimed directly at his head, he didn’t hear the quiet sound of water starting to conjure from his soon to be victim’s hands.

He didn’t know what had happened when he was suddenly flying backwards.

After Geoff had taken another step, Jack had suddenly whirled around and gotten to his feet, launching a large ball of water into Geoff’s chest, sending him soaring back into a tree due to the force of the impact.

Jack then slowly sauntered to where his attacker lay, sputtering and sprawled out in front of the tree, trying to get his bearings and retrieve his gun which laid several feet away, as it had been knocked out of hands when he was thrown back by the water.

Jack began to hurry, though, when he truly took the appearance of his attacker in, regretting what he had done.

“I’m so sorry!” He shouted, hoping the man he had just shot across the hilltop could hear him. “I didn’t know!”

The man looked at him confused, still trying to reach for his pistol, but when the draconian took in the light blue, pupiless eyes of the speaker, realization dawned on him.

“I guess I’m sorry too,” He replied, “For trying to kill you and stuff.” Jack chuckled at his response, helping the man up and introducing himself.

“Geoff.” The man replied, hiding a relieved smile that he really wanted to show. He didn’t want to show this draconian that he had any weaknesses, but he also really wanted to tell him how great it was that they found each other.

They then talked until the night turned to day, not getting any sleep. They shared similar interests, but besides that, they were almost the exact opposite of each other. They seemed to bounce off of each other and make a great team though, and it was obvious the two themselves could sense it.

From then on, the journey was just a little easier. Then only four fought alone for their destiny, and two were on the lookout to find them.

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