Chapter IX: Battered and Bruised

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Ray landed lightly in the center of a fairly large cliff of rock. He pretty much collapsed on the rock after landing, panting and scrambling to remove his bag from around him. He quickly took the blanket inside of his bag out and wrapped it tightly around his left leg, which had a large bleeding gash on it. Ray had been jumped by some bandits during his travels, and while he had been able to fight most of them off, he ultimately had to flee.

Ray also had more injuries than just his mangled leg. His wings had many bullet holes littering them, a knife wound resided on his left arm, and he sported a rapidly bruising right eye. Thankfully, his glasses had somehow not been broken, but that was probably the only good news.

Ray then looked to the sky and made sure that he lost the remaining bandits that had pursued him when he fled. His hand hovered near his open backpack which contained his assault rifle, but he didn’t see anything in the sky.

Relaxing, Ray moved his hand from its position over his bag and used it to put pressure on the wound he had wrapped the blanket around. He hadn’t thought to bring some sort of first aid kit, so this was really all he could do to hopefully stop the bleeding.

As Ray began to return from his state of high adrenaline, he began to become calm enough to tend to his other wounds besides the worst one on his leg. He ripped off a piece of his t-shirt and tied it around the stab wound on his arm, and made sure the bullet holes in his wings were clean. Ray also took a piece of ice from inside of one of his canteens of water and held it to his black eye, hoping to ease the swelling.

After he was content that his injuries would be fine for a bit at least, Ray reached into his backpack and pulled out some dry fruit. He then ate the fruit and laid down on the rock, using his backpack as a pillow.

Tying part of the blanket around his damaged leg and snuggling into the rest, Ray stared up at the stars, just figuring out that it had become night. The day had been so crazy and dangerous and stressful, Ray hadn’t even realized that the sun had set.

Battered, bruised, and exhausted, the earth vessel shut his eyes almost involuntarily, and fell asleep nearly as soon as they shut.

The next morning Ray woke up with the sun shining in his eyes. He went to rub them, only to find out that he had fallen asleep with his glasses still on, his hands clinking softly against them when he attempted to perform the previously mentioned action.

Ray felt much better that morning compared to the previous night. His bruised eye was as swollen as it was going to get, the stab wound on his arm had stopped bleeding, even though Ray was going to change the bandages for it anyway, his wings were okay and not infected, thankfully, and he could feel his mangled leg. 

The earth draconian slowly rose from his resting position and removed the ripped t-shirt that bandaged the cut on his arm. The cut had fortunately stopped bleeding and was healing fairly quickly, though Ray swiftly ripped another piece of cloth off of his t-shirt and redressed and wound anyway. He then used his claw to split the part of the blanket wrapped around the gash on his leg from the rest of it, flipped the scrap around and tied it to his leg so it could soak up more blood from the still bleeding wound. Ray then took a swig from one of his canteens of water before quickly replacing it back in his bag.

Just as Ray was about to do a little exploration of the area he had landed in the previous night, he saw three figures fly above him. They quickly past him and continued their flight, and it was very obvious that they were draconians.

Rapidly positioning his bag on his back and preparing for flight, Ray ran as fast as he could with a fairly injured leg, and unsteadily took to the air with a goal in mind.

He was going to catch up with these draconians, and if they were the remainder of the bandits that attacked him the previous day, he was going to make them pay for what they did.

And if they weren’t…Ray only hoped that they would be able to help him.

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