Chapter I: Life

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Geoff had always been a natural leader. He was a very outspoken, and sometimes biased, kind of guy. He was always known as the “different” one, being one of the few people in his draconian tribe to enjoy technology and, more specifically, video games, as his tribe was very naturalistic, and found little value in the advanced machinery of the world.

Besides that, though, Geoff was a pretty normal, run-of-the-mill draconian. He had the common dark green as his color; his wings were the normal dragon style, his claws the common short variety and the only thing slightly uncommon about his tail was that it ended in a sort of feathery tuft instead of a point; it didn’t even have any spines adorning it. Geoff didn’t even have any horns, and the only other thing uncommon about him was that two long whiskers had grown directly beneath his nose. Even one of Geoff’s most distinguishing characteristics, his tattoos, were common, at least to his tribe, as tattoos were important and respected to his tribe, so having at least several was pretty much required.

So yeah, if you asked a human what a stereotypical draconian looked like, you’d probably, more or less, get a description of Geoff.

To reiterate, no one was prepared when Geoff’s eyes began to glow dark green. Yeah, Geoff was stronger than most of the draconians his age, and yes, he did seem very connected and in control of his breath power, (Said power being plants, healing, and life in general), but nothing else besides that added up. But when did logic mean anything anyways?

This day of logic defiance was a cold, rainy one. The temperature was oddly much lower than the summer norm, and the thunderstorm ravaging the land was powerful as well.

Unluckily for Geoff, he was unable to make it to his home in his tribe’s little town before the storm hit full force, and was forced to take shelter in someone else’s home with several others. The entire house was quiet, draconians just sitting in groups together. Well, besides Geoff of course, who attempted to stay as far away from anyone else as possible. He couldn’t wait for the day where he would manage to slip out of the tribe and disappear without a trace.

As he dreamed of that day, the pain hit. It was a white hot pain, and it felt as if he was getting stabbed in the same spot over and over again. In an attempt to not draw attention to himself, Geoff shut his eyes tightly to deal with the pain, instead of making any noise.

This was ultimately the wrong decision though, as the pain just intensified and it seemed almost as if electricity was building up under Geoff’s eyelids. As the “electricity” seemed to spark between Geoff’s eyes, he had to force himself to not cry out, and gripped the wall he was leaning against as tight as he could, hoping no one was noticing the pain he was in.

Then, as quickly as the pain started, it was over. Geoff opened his eyes in relief, but was confused when the room was suddenly slightly lit by a dim dark green glow. All the other inhabitants of the room were confused as well, that was, until they turned to look at Geoff.

Then they were all suddenly on one knee in front of him, which greatly increased Geoff’s confusion. “What are you doing?” He asked them, shooting them all a questioning look.

“Vessel…” Someone whispered in response, and Geoff could feel the anger bubbling up inside him.

Oh, you have got to be kidding me! Geoff thought to himself, preparing to rant about his current situation.

But before he could even speak, he was being pushed out the door, and with a final shout of “GO, VESSEL!” someone shoved Geoff out the door and slammed it behind him. This left Geoff in the pouring rain, which had only let up slightly.

Seeing no other option, Geoff began to walk to his house while he grumbled angrily to himself, so he could prepare for his journey to Mount Coronor.

Geoff soon arrived at his small house in his tribe’s village. That was when he got a good look at his eyes.

They were now a deep, forest green, and pupiless. They also slightly glowed, and seemed to cast a dark green light on everything.

After he studied his eyes for a bit, Geoff just sighed and ran a hand through his hair, beginning to collect items for his trip. He deposited some unperishable food, a canteen of water, a couple of blankets, and his pistol, (Since his breath power wasn’t very useful for combat, since he suspected there would be some kind of fighting, or at least hunting) into a messenger bag, and with difficulty, due to his wings, slung the bag over his shoulder.

And with that, Geoff left his house, and spread his wings in preparation for flight. Then he began to run, and with a jump and a few flaps of his wings, took off into the air to fulfill his destiny.

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