Chapter II: Earth

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Ray was what you would call “skilled.” He seemed to excel at everything, and though he wasn’t the smartest guy around, he still got satisfactory grades in school, and seemed to be able to conquer any challenge placed before him.

Ray was the most skilled in two things, though: video games and using his breath power.

Video games came naturally to Ray, and due to him being in a tribe that embraced technology, he was a very popular person. His popularity could also probably be due to his fun-loving and joke-cracking personality, but, either way, he was someone people always wanted to be around. 

Ray’s control over his breath power, which was earth, was also something that drew people to him. Using his power was incredibly easy to Ray, and he could even do things with his power that other earth draconians couldn’t. Besides mastery of lifting objects associated with land and the earth, such as boulders or chunks of the earth itself, and being able to cause small earthquakes or shockwaves, which were things most earth draconians could do, Ray could also create earthly objects out of thin air, easily create structures like walls out of these objects, and was able to use the objects as hovercrafts and float around on them. Though that last ability was tiring and difficult to pull off, and Ray could usually only perform it for short periods of time.

The thing with Ray was, though, that he used agility and speed in battle, instead of strength. That was why he wasn’t suspected to possibly be a vessel. 

Ray also looked like a fairly normal draconian. In association with his breath power, Ray’s color was brown, which was pretty common. His wing shape was only slightly uncommon, his wings being normal except that the bones of his wings curved and became claws at the ends, transforming into what sort of resembled hands. Ray had tried though, and he wasn’t able to use these “hands” like his regular ones, and couldn’t do things like pick stuff up with them. His claws were also the normal short variety and his tail didn’t have any spines on it either. He did have small, curvy horns coming out of his head though, so there’s that.

All in all though, all the draconians in Ray’s town, as well as Ray himself, were surprised to hear that he was a vessel, though it seemed obvious in hindsight.

In contrast to the rain that Geoff endured when his eyes lit up, Ray was sitting inside his apartment that day, the weather outside in his tribe’s small rural town foggy but not actually rainy. He was playing some game, engrossed in getting a particularly difficult achievement, when his vision began to get blurry. Ray didn’t think much of it; he had been playing for a while, and just quickly pulled off his glasses for a moment and rubbed his eyes a bit.

That was when the true pain came.

Ray cried out in shock as his eyes felt as if they were burning and crackling with electricity, shocks of the “electricity” jumping and sparking between his eyelids. He attempted to open his eyes, but it was no use, because the pain was so great.

In several moments, though, the pain was gone, and Ray opened his eyes in relief. He was confused, though, when the room was now not only bathed in the light of his TV, but by some kind of brown light, too.

Thinking he must be too tired, Ray put his glasses back on, got up from the couch, and walked towards the bathroom. He was going to splash some water on his face in an attempt to clear his head.

That was when Ray caught sight of the source of the brown light. His eyes. They were now glowing a deep brown color and pupiless, as well as casting their brown light on everything near them.

Ray studied his eyes in wonder for a bit, though he had had a suspicion that he might be a vessel for quite some time now. That was when he remembered his emergency bag, which was, as the name implies, for emergencies, but Ray considered it useful for this situation as well.

It held two canteens for water, some unperishable food, an assault rifle Ray had bought at an auction once, a box of matches, a blanket, and, of course, Ray’s 3DS and charger, along with his games.

Ray picked up the bag, which was fashioned for draconians, and quickly slung it on to his back, satisfied that it had enough supplies for his journey to Mount Coronor. He then scribbled out a note explaining where he was, and dashed out of his apartment, pinning the note to the door in the process.

Then with a leap and a few flaps of his wings, Ray took to the skies, set on a path for Mount Coronor.

That just left the only loose end being Ray’s confused tribe crowding his apartment door the next morning, left with Ray gone without a trace, except for his note of course. Which read:

I’m off to save the world. Be back soon.

<3 Ray

Dragons of the Apocalypse - An Achievement Hunter and Ray Narvaez Jr. FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now