Chapter IV: Wind

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Gavin was what they called the “center of confusion.” He always asked odd questions, did dumb things, and just was a distraction in general. No one could really blame him though, because he was sheltered heavily for a long time, starting at a very young age.

This was because everyone in his tribe, especially his parents, were sure he was a vessel. He had everything that a stereotypical vessel was supposed to have, so he was branded as one and pretty much locked away.

This wasn’t to say that Gavin wasn’t intelligent, though. Gavin was schooled at home and taught everything about the apocalypse and being a vessel, along with normal school skills and subjects.

The first reason that Gavin was thought to be a vessel was his control and connection to his breath power.

Gavin seemed to master his breath power of wind at a very young age, and quickly moved on to things that his fellow wind draconians were unable to do. Gavin was able to easily create wind and fly and glide masterfully and with ease, as well as be able to ride atop things he made out of wind, like most other wind draconians. Unlike most other wind draconains, though, Gavin could also create an impenetrable wind shield around him, hover slightly using only wind, and even create tornadoes both big and small.

The thing that truly supported the fact that Gavin was most likely a vessel, though, was his appearance. Vessels were stereotyped to look angelic and the epitome of good, which was definitely what Gavin looked like. His color was bright green, which looked calming and angelic, and his tail ended in a feather and didn’t have any spines on it. Gavin also didn’t have any claws or horns, so that was definitely a tip off. The aspects that made Gavin look the most like a vessel, though, were his wings. He had diamond looking bones growing out of the skin of his wings, as well as there being dark green diamonds patterned on his light green wings. Gavin’s wings were also similar to Jack’s, since they were very small in their width, but also extremely tall and good for quick ascent. The most angelic part of Gavin’s wings though, were the tails trailing from them that looked similar to ones that might be on butterfly wings.

 So between his appearance and the way he controlled his breath power, Gavin was pretty much a shoe in for being a vessel. Which he was.

The day his eyes began to glow was a nice one. The sun was shining, the sky was without even a single cloud, and the weather was fairy warm. Instead of being outside like most, though, Gavin was stuck inside his room, (Which could definitely be compared to a prison), fiddling with a camera he had convinced his parents to buy him. (He was very interested in the slow motion functionality.)

As he played with the camera, though, Gavin began to feel a pain building behind his eyes. As soon as he could register the pain, Gavin put the camera down, as the discomfort felt very similar to the one he had been taught he would feel when he was being branded as a vessel and needed to complete his destiny.

As the agony began to spark, Gavin stayed motionless, resisting the instinct to move and feeling the lightning like pain jump and spark between his eyes. It then dulled down to just a throb, and finally disappeared, and that was when Gavin jumped up.

He strode to the bathroom to check his eyes, and sure enough, bright green, glowing orbs were now staring back at him in place of his eyes. Gavin only examined his eyes for a moment, then quickly nodded and went to retrieve the bag underneath his bed.

This messenger bag was filled with items Gavin would supposedly need when his journey as vessel began. The bag contained a canteen of water, some dried fruits and meats, along with other unperishable foods, some spare clothes, a blanket, a pillow, a first aid kit, and an ancient looking bow with a quiver of arrows.

Gavin deposited his camera and portable game system into the bag, then quickly swung it over his shoulder, making sure to carefully position it so it didn’t hinder his wing.

That was when Gavin walked out of his room and house, not bothering to leave a note; they would figure out where he had gone eventually. He left out the back door, which led through a small forest and to a valley; that was where he would take off.

Gavin quickly maneuvered through the forest, being careful not to trip, (Though he did stumble a few times,) and swiftly made it to the beginning of the valley. He took in the beautiful scenery for only a couple moments, then prepared to fly, which he hadn’t done for quite some time.

Throwing caution to the wind though, Gavin took off in a sprint, relishing in the wind blowing through his already crazy hair and rushing past his face. Before he knew it though, he had to jump, which he did, and powerfully flapped his wings, propelling himself high into the air.

That was when Gavin flew off, ready to complete the destiny he had always been told he had.

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