Chapter XXVIII: The Great Battle

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Ryan was the first to hit the dark dragon, one of his skulls firmly slamming it in the side of the head. It roared again in response, black fire erupting in a short burst from its great head.

Jack's attack connected next, two scalding balls of water firmly hitting the beast in the chest, right where the energy orb was visible. The scales there gave away a bit when this occurred, the protective covering cracking, and the dark skin of the dragon seeming to be eaten away at and decaying. This was only for a few moments though, because as soon as the living darkness began to die, it was replaced, the temporary wound the water vessel caused fixed within seconds.

Ray followed up Jack's assault with one of his own, throwing a hunk of rock directly at the demon dragon's head. The piece of earth smashed right into the creature's left eye, red mist spewing from the dark colored eyeball as a sharp piece of the boulder impaled it. As the rock fell away though, carried by gravity, the red stopped, the eye sewing itself back together, becoming as good as new.

This was not going to be an easy fight.

Said statement was further proven when the dragon attacked back, not even allowing the other three draconians to pull off their initial assaults. The beast swung its tail first, just barely missing hitting Gavin, before it began to rapidly spew fireballs of darkness from its mouth. One hit Michael in the chest, knock him backward and searing his skin, but not dealing much permanent damage, while another slammed into Ryan's right wing, sending him spiraling out of the sky for a moment before he recovered, a new tear burnt into the appendage that was hit.

Everything began to move quickly after that, with the draconians using their breath powers to combat their final foe, who would certainly not give up without a fight. It slashed with great claws, swung its tail, flew around and charged with its wings, and spewed all manner of dark fire.

The vessels themselves were not ones to give up easily, either, though. They fought tooth and nail against the dragon, using all of their abilities and every tactic they could think of. It seemed useless though, as the fight raged on and the world continued to deteriorate, as no ground was gained. The battle remained at a stalemate for quite some time.

Eventually, the vessels began to work together in their attacks on the dark dragon, though even those were more or less useless against the demon's lightning fast healing abilities.

As the clouds above them darkened, and the world split farther and farther in two, the six fought on, the water vessel throwing a freezing cold snowball at the creature's head, gaining its attention. When the beast roared and focused its attacks on Jack, Geoff swooped in, gliding toward the dragon until he was right in front of one of its eyes. He then faced his palms outward, growing spiked vines from them, and directly impaled the dragon's eyes with the plants. As it roared and struggled, the embedded vines not allowing it to regenerate, the life vessel grew a great, blue flower from his shoulder, which proceeded to shoot poison directly into the dark dragon's wounded eyeball.

It suffered spasms once this occurred, the creature throwing itself around in the air, growling and howling in pain. Geoff had launched himself a safe distance away when this occurred, signaling for the others to attack the beast's remaining eye. The six had come up with the plan that if they blinded the dragon, it might stun it and give them enough time to find a weak spot, or confirm Jack's belief that the weak spot was the chest, where the energy orb resided.

On the life draconian's signal, Ray and Michael flew forward, the fire vessel distracting the demonic beast with a plume of flame while the earth draconian got close to the dragon's eye and conjured his Rock Gauntlets. Once the rocks embedded themselves in Ray's arms he dashed forward, quickly hitting the beast's eyes with a few punches, causing a tear to form on the eyeball. As the vessel conjured a rock to slam into the wound though, dark tendrils seeped from the cut in the eye, grasping the draconian by the neck and choking the air out of him.

The earth vessel struggled against the tendrils' hold, but said grip was tight, and Ray's strength was slowly fading from lack of air. Just as the edges of the draconian's vision began to turn to black, though, the darkness's grip suddenly slackened.

A scythe of bone had flown through the air, cleaning severing the dark tentacle holding the earth vessel's throat. The one that had thrown the weapon, who was of course the death vessel, Ryan, then flew forward, another bone scythe in hand, and jammed the weapon into the wound in the demon dragon's eye, which had already begun to heal itself.

The beast roared when its other eye was blinded, rolling and moving through the air randomly, as if struggling against some unseen force. Whilst it was stunned though, the six noticed how brightly the energy orb was pulsing in the creature's chest, as if it was attempting to break free.

It seemed as if Jack's theory was right.

And with that knowledge, they all knew what they had to do.

All six focused their breath powers, Geoff growing vines from his arm, Ray focusing on keeping his Rock Gauntlets conjured, Jack holding a ball of water in his hand, Gavin creating swift moving winds in his hands, Michael making his hands burst into flames, and Ryan steadily forcing his hands to glow with dark energy, and charged forward, yelling, at the suffering demon. They all then plunged their breath power assisted fists into the beast's weakened chest, easily breaking through the dark dragon's scaly protection.

Then, in a bright flash of light, all of the skin and scales making up the demon's chest shattered, easily allowing the world saving energy orb to become free. It floated out of the beast and back to the pedestal, where it hovered silently as the world fell apart around it.

As for the dragon, it let out one final bellow as the draconians put as much distance between them and it as possible, and burst into dark ash all at once, said ash quickly being swept away by the wind.

Their job done, all six vessels returned to their respective altars on top of Mount Coronor, where they watched as the energy orb began to float up higher and higher, becoming more and more unstable as it did so. Eventually, it rose high enough to where it finally burst in a great flash of light, the light so bright that it stunned the vessels.

This light then began to spread out in lines and rays, traveling around the Earth and making cracks in the cloud covered sky. It wound itself through the water, air, and land of Earth, healing the wounded planet that had nearly collapsed. It wove the broken land back together, cleared the clouds from the sky, evaporated the lava that covered the ground, and slaughtered the demons that unlawfully walked the Earth.

It did all this healing in seconds, repairing weeks upon weeks of damage in only a few moments. The six vessels watched in awe as this occurred, observing the light beams traveling around the world and back, fixing all the wrongs the apocalypse had caused. Once the job was done, all of the energy exploded in vibrant, multicolored flashes of light, said explosions being even more bright and violent than the initial one.

This dazed the six, forcing them to stumble backwards before they all collapsed on the top of Mount Coroner.

Even though they were feet away from the edges of the mountain, all of the vessels were suddenly falling.

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