Chapter XII: One Remains

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Ray had lost them. The three figures he had attempted to follow had gotten away from him within only a few nights. And he thought he was so close to catching them.

Ray was trekking through a forest on foot while he grieved about the loss of the three figures, his wings tired from all of the intense flying he had been doing recently. Slashing through a large patch a vines, Ray finally emerged from the forest, which opened into a plains.

This wasn’t a normal looking plains though.

Instead of being covered in grass and flowers and all sorts of common plant life, this plains was charred and burned. Only a single large tree remained in about the center of the plains, standing solitary and alive in the burned biome.

Ray made his way over to the solo tree in shock, unable to believe what was surrounding him. He found that the tree was bearing apples when he got close, picking as many as he could fit into his bag. Slumping beneath the tree, Ray ate an apple, making himself comfortable in the tiny circle of grass surrounding the lone tree.

The sun was high in the sky as he ate, and Ray predicted that he still had some time to travel. Tossing the apple rind he held aside, Ray opened his wings and took off in flight, heading for the mountainous area past the charred plains.

Little did he know that the draconians he was looking for were right where he was going.

Darkness was falling when Ray finally made it to a fairly safe part in the mountains. The ledge he landed on was fairly large and stable, allowing Ray to walk a little farther into the biome.

Ray was just about to stop and camp out for the night, the cold, dark, and danger finally getting to him, until he saw what could only be a campfire in the fairly close distance. Hoping he wasn’t hallucinating, Ray pressed on, trying to keep his shivering to a minimum.

When Ray eventually made it quite close to the fire he thought he saw. He was happy that he hadn’t imagined it, finally seeing the shadows the fire cast, and hearing the crackling of the flame. Ray thought he may just have found a recently abandoned campsite, or a singular sleeping hiker, that was, until, he heard the screaming and cheering and yelling.

“GAVIN!” echoed throughout the mountains, causing Ray to chuckle. Then there was muttering that attained to poker, and a noise that sounded like a bird being choked.

Ray picked up the pace, wanting to see what was happening around what he could only assume was the campfire. It took only a few minutes for him to make it to the camp he wanted to see then, happening upon four male draconians sitting somewhat near the flames, the two older ones playing poker, and the other two playing something on their 3DSs. Everything stopped when Ray appeared though.

“The fuck…?” Someone muttered, and then weapons were in hands, and the night was lit up even more as one of the draconians held fireballs in his hands.

“Hey, no need for the aggressiveness!” Ray called out to the four armed vessels. “W.A.F.F.L.E.O. y’know, and all that!”

“W.A.F.F.L.E.O.?” Someone questioned, Ray couldn’t quite tell who.

“Yeah! Y’know, we’re all friends, friends love each other? I’m also a vessel, so there’s that, too.”

While the second line made everyone drop their weapons and call off the attack, the first one made the four draconians burst out into uncontrollable laughter. Ray was friends with everyone in no time.

He learned all their names, what breath powers they had, and other stuff, too. He also learned that he was close in age to Michael and Gavin, and the three quickly became what Gavin called Team Lads, since they were younger than Geoff and Jack, which left the other two hoping that the final vessel they had yet to meet was around their age, so the team, which is what they started calling themselves, was balanced.

But, even though he was a lad, Ray was fast friends with the other two gents, too. He sparred and played poker with them over the week the five vessels traveled together, and always told jokes with the entire group and wondered things with them too, like what the final vessel they had yet to meet was like.

Ray and the others didn’t want to get their hopes up, but as they neared Mount Coronor, or at least they hoped they were nearing it, and battled and survived together as the apocalypse began to set in, they could only hope that the sixth and final member of the group would be as friendly, fun, and fit in as easily as the rest of them did. 

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