How I'm Feeling About Riverdale (not than anyone asked but...idc)

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spoilers obviously

SoooooooooI'm not even gonna bother dividing this up in to sections like I'm pretty sure I did with my last one

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I'm not even gonna bother dividing this up in to sections like I'm pretty sure I did with my last one. I may take new paragraphs...guess we'll just see.
So first off, I'm glad Bughead is done. I mean yes I was a very very big Bughead shipper the first 3/4 seasons of Riverdale but once I heard they were break up, I was kinda over the ship. I think it was more the fact that Sprouseheart ended irl that made me kind of bored with the ship. However I will NEVER be a Barchie shipper, just as I was never a Varchie shipper. Both B&V deserve better. They deserve each other.
Next off I don't know why but the scene from Wednesday/Thursday's most recent episode with Tom Keller, Kevin and Fangs really warmed my heart. It was just for a split second but I'm pretty sure they were all taking a selfie. Which just...oh my god, Kevin and Fangs should just get married already!
Thirdly I wanna talk about JB. I personally really like her but I strongly believe that taking her back to Toledo isn't the right thing to do. What she did was seriously...weird (there's a better word but I can't think). Now I know I know this is a TV, that I'm taking way too seriously show but I still think that she should see a psychologist or at least a therapist of some kind.
Fourthly I don't like Hermosa. She had no point or purpose and I'm over her, like the storyline was boring an unnecessary.
I however am very happy with how they kinda wrapped up the whole Charles x Chic relationship. It just bothered me that they showed it literally once and then never spoke about it again. Nice to know that Betty's fake and real brothers are both psychos though.
Onto Brett and Joan's deaths. While I didn't like Brett or Donna I didn't mind Joan, she was just there. I thought as characters Brett and Donna were very good and Brett's death was just meh. Like I didn't really give a shit least everything's easier to keep track of.
I'm obviously devastated that Choni are over...for now at least because I'm almost entirely sure they'll be back together by the mid-season season finale.
Also Sweetpea got hotter, it's the hair but I don't know what about it. I just...he's like a LOT hotter.
You may notice that I haven't said anything about Archie yet and that's because I'm just so done with his shit. Don't get me wrong, soldiers are heroes. They protect their country and even others, however Archie joining the army is the Riverdale equivalent of those stupid YouTube couple pranks. Just everything that he does makes me mad and disappointed.
now I just want to be a little sad about the characters I miss (obviously not all of the ones that are gone, just the ones I liked)



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