Reggie & Sweetpea🏈😎

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For tessahardin35 Sorry I couldn't find a gif of them together to fit what I wanted to write soooo

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For tessahardin35
Sorry I couldn't find a gif of them together to fit what I wanted to write soooo

Imagine: Reggie & Sweetpea fighting over you.
"What the hell are you doing here?"Sweetpea asked Reggie as he sidled up to your locker.
He'd had a free period and thought it would be nice to wait outside your locker so you could talk when you finished class. It hadn't been easy transferring to the Northside for anyone not specifically you but Sweetpea wanted to make sure you were ok, he kind of had a crush on you, a crush that even he was too embarrassed to tell anyone about.
In his eyes you were a literal fucking goddess (you all are, I love you guys so much💜) you would never even think about dating someone like him.
"What?"Reggie asked the Serpent."What am I doing at my locker?"
"Pshh don't bullshit me, Mantle, your locker his down the hall."Sweetpea rolled his eyes and folded his arms."Now answer my fucking question."
It was no surprise to Reggie that a Southsider was being so hostile towards him, he hasn't been the kindest to any of them when they joined.
That was until he set eyes on you.
You were Reggie's Southside princess, who changed his views on almost all of the Southsiders. He'd been trying harder with your friends Toni, Fangs and even Jughead, who he formerly tormented (I know that was Ross Butler's Reggie but same character), but Reggie refused to make an effort with Sweetpea.
He knew that Sweetpea liked you too and it made him furious, he knew you two went way back so while he told himself he shouldn't be threatened by a Southsider he still was.
"If you must know."Reggie sighed."I'm waiting for Y/N, I'm going to walk her to her next class."
"Oh funny."Sweetpea spoke sarcastically, stepping forward as if to challenge the football player."So am I, so why don't you run along, doggy?"
"Bulldogs eat Serpents for breakfast."Reggie practically growled.
Suddenly the bell rung signalling that class had ended and both boys stepped back and Sweetpea straightened his jacket as Reggie tried to subtly check his breath.
"See you later, Bombshell."You laughed as Cheryl walked to her locker at the end of the hall. You turned to walk towards your locker and fought the urge to roll your eyes at the sight before you, Sweetpea and Reggie sporting huge goofy grins at either side of your locker. This had been happening for weeks but you were hesitant to break either one of their hearts, you'd done it before and it hadn't felt good, plus you weren't leading any of them as neither boy had explicitly expressed their feelings."What's up, boys?"
"Hi, Y/N."Reggie greeted.
"Hey, princess."Sweetpea smirked, shooting Reggie a 'beat that' look.
"I was thinking I could walk you to your next class."Reggie offered."If you'd be ok with that?"
"Of course, Reg."You smiled.
"No need."Sweetpea cut in."You'd be going out if your way, plus don't you have some cheerleader to slobber over instead."
"I thought you had some jingle jangle to deal, or did you even get kicked out of the drug trade?"Reggie insulted the taller boy.
"Eat shit, Mantle."Sweetpea spat.
"Do you wanna go?"The Northsider challenged.
"Hey! Stop it!"You ordered both boys before turning to Reggie and placing a hand on his chest."Reggie, cool it, ok. You need to work on controlling your temper."
"Yeah, do as-"Sweetpea started before you spun to face him.
"And you. You can't get in any more trouble than you are right now. Hell, Weatherbee's probably going to flip when he sees that jacket."You pointed to the boy's Serpent jacket.
"Sorry Y/N."
"Yeah sorry."
They both muttered.
"Thank you."You sighed, taking what you needed from your locker."Now if you'll excuse me I'd rather walk to class with someone who acts there age. Hey, Toni, wait up!"
"That was all your fault."Sweetpea mumbled to Reggie.
"Was not."

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