Joaquin & Archie💙🧡

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Imagine: Joaquin stabbing Archie

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Imagine: Joaquin stabbing Archie.
Some say prison messes with people's minds while others will sometimes go to prison for peace. In Riverdale's prison however there were some very dark secrets hidden. Between the underground fight club and twisted board game the warden and some inmates were playing you had to keep your guard up.
Something that Archie Andrews had failed to learn.
The teenager was cleaning his own wounds after being forced to fight, yet again, in the fight club while corrupt businessmen bet on them when all of a sudden the door to the room he was in swung open.
In walked Joaquin DeSantos.
He and Archie weren't exactly friends, more allies, if you will. The dark haired Serpent walked in without saying a word.
"What are you doing in here?"Archie whispered to the fellow prisoner.
Joaquin spoke quietly."I came to tell you something. You know my ex girlfriend, don't you? Y/N Y/L/N?"
Archie nodded and immediately felt like he knew where this was going.
Y/N had been dating Joaquin long distance after he moved away from Riverdale and hadn't told anyone but Fangs and Sweetpea (as they were the only ones who approved) until he was locked up on riot night. After being absent from school for a few days Sweetpea accidentally let it slip to Jughead that Y/N had been visiting Joaquin in prison as frequently as she could, to explain why she'd been skipping school. Somehow after that everybody found out. But once Y/N came back to school she was in such a bad state she refused to talk to anyone. When Reggie Mantle of all people got her to talk she revealed that Joaquin had broken up with her because some Ghoulies were getting out and he didn't want her to become a sitting target to them.
After Veronica and Archie called it quits again the redhead started spending a lot more time with Y/N until they started dating. Once Archie had gotten sent to prison though Y/N hadn't tried to get in contact with him (as far as he knew) and when Betty came to visit her excuse was that Y/N was afraid of seeing Joaquin again.
Once Archie had started talking to Joaquin in prison Archie got the feeling that he hadn't forgotten Y/N and was still in love with her, this encounter just proved it.
"I had a visit from her recently."Joaquin stated, his tone flat but it made Archie feel uneasy."I thought it was weird because usually people that are sent to fight aren't allowed visitors but apparently she was very persistent. Y/N told me everything, Archie...or should I say red paladin?"
"What?"Archie squinted at Joaquin, as if he was talking complete nonsense.
Then Archie got a glimpse of something silver in the Serpent's hand before he felt an unbearable pain in his lower torso.
"You have no idea how fucking long I've been waiting to do that, Andrews!"Joaquin practically shouted, ripping the knife from Archie's body."For two reasons, you stole my girl and now I get revenge and to ascend!"
"What?!"Archie shouted."What the fuck are you talking about?! I didn't steal her! And what the fuck are you ascending too?!"
But Joaquin quickly left, Archie just trying to stop the bleeding.

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