Alice Smith🧝‍♀️

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Imagine: Alice outing you

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Imagine: Alice outing you.
"I can't believe you of all people got detention."FP smirked at you as you took your seat near the back of the class.
"I'm not sorry, she got what she deserved."You told him.
"I'm not sure her sleeping with your boyfriend justifies you putting green henna ink in her moisturiser."Hermione piped up.
"One, I didn't ask and two, yes it totally did."You replied.
Alice rolled her eyes, she knew that you didn't even love your boyfriend.
You were gay and her ex, which was exactly why your parents threatened that if they ever saw you with another girl they would make sure you went nowhere in life.
"Do you even care?"Alice spun around to face you."I mean last time we talked you told me that you were only interested in another girl's pussy. At that particular time it was mine."
"I have no idea what you're talking about."You said through your teeth.
"Is this true?"Penelope asked, in a horrified tone."Are you a...lesbian?"
She whispered the last word as if it was something evil.
"No!"You spat at the same as Alice laughed.
"Yes!"She gave you a 'come on' look.
"That serpent slut is talking out of her ass as usual."You insulted you ex.
"Wanna say that again, closet monster?"Alice challenged, starting to lose her temper.
"I don't think there's any need to."You spoke before standing up."I think everyone heard me, now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go touch up my makeup."

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