Toni Topaz💚 (Part One)

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Imagine: Toni finding out who your family is

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Imagine: Toni finding out who your family is.
"Who the fuck is there?!"A loud yell rang through the building.
You looked quickly for a place to hide, Toni, Cheryl and Veronica all looking at you for guidance.
"Why are you all staring at me?"You hissed.
"You were the one who found this meth lab."Veronica pointed out in a panicked tone.
Looking at your surroundings you informed her."I don't think it's meth."
"Well, you would know."Cheryl sung quietly but condescendingly, despite her left arm twitching at the fear of getting caught.
"I said who the fuck is there?!"The angry, booming voice reached your ears again and you heard doors banging.
"Baby, let's just get out of here."Toni decided, slipping her hand into yours.
Another door banging closer this time made everyone shudder.
"There's no time."Veronica pointed out.
"Everyone, hide!"You told them.
Cheryl and Veronica dashed around opposite corners of the large doorway behind you, whereas Toni only had time to drop your hand and crouch beside your feet. Hidden by a metal table, covered in substances and odd tools.
"I'm not messing about! Who the fuck is-?!"The voice cut itself off as the person it belonged too set their eyes on you. You felt Toni wince beside your leg as the last door banged shut loudly."Y/N, I must say I wasn't expecting you here."
You looked with disgust at Malachai and rolled your eyes at his Ghoulies who filtered around him and into the room.
"Really? Funny because this is exactly where I knew I'd find you."You folded your arms.
The gang leader laughed."Am I really getting so predictable?"
"I was always three steps ahead of you since the day I was born."You seethed, leaning across the table and trying to ignore whatever powder your right palm had accidentally landed in.
"Really is that why I caught you in here snooping through my business, little sister?"Malachai grinned his slimy grin.
You opened your mouth to retort when all of a sudden Toni stood up from her hiding place.
"Little sister?!"She directed at you, surprise evident in her expression and tone.
"Oh an you've brought friends,"Malachai observed. You heard a noise from behind you and both you and your girlfriend turned to see Cheryl and Veronica being manhandled by two Ghoulies."how lovely."
"Malachai, let them go."You told him firmly.
"I can't do that, you and your bitches running to the police. It's not good for business."He clapped his hands together."Boys, why don't we show these girls who's in charge?"
"I swear to god if you don't get your sweaty hands off my Prada jumper I will-!"Veronica started to yell.
"You'll what, princess?"Your brother asked."We have the upper hand here."
"Not anymore."You said, pulling the gun you had hoped you wouldn't need from your jeans."Please, don't make me use this, Mal. Let us go and we all leave here unharmed."
"You're not gonna shoot me, Y/N/N,"Malachai challenged, using his childhood nickname for you."even when we were kids you-aaaaargh!"
He let out a loud yell of pain once the bullet you fired got him in the thigh.
Shocked, his Ghoulies hesitated giving Cheryl and Veronica enough time to take out the ones who were holding them and Toni the chance to clock another one in the face.
"Go!"You screamed at your friends as the remaining Ghoulies ran at you.
Your friends ran out of view but Toni didn't move from your side.
"Y/N, come on!"She urged.
You locked eyes with your wounded brother and he smirked at you.
"You've really grown up, sister."
"Let's get out of here."You agreed as you both turned and left.

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