Alice Smith🧝‍♀️

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Imagine: Alice seeing you waiting for her.
"No way."Sierra gasped as she peeked out of the window.
"What is it?"Hermione got out of her seat and quickly made her way over to the other girl.
Penelope snapped her head around and pursed her lips in annoyance."Guys, I think we should probably stay in our seats, in case you know a teacher co-"
"Shut up."Alice groaned from where she was carving something into a window ledge away from everyone else.
"Yeah, it's not like they can give us any more detention."FP backed up the blonde as he followed Hermione over to the window."What's up, ladies?"
"Come on, Penelope."Fred urged but in a kind way."Lighten up, it'll be more fun if you don't worry about what people think all the time."
"Hmph."The redhead huffed and turned away.
Fred shrugged and continued his way to where most of his classmates were.
"Aliiiiiice!"Sierra sung turning towards the leather covered girl."I think there's someone waiting for you!"
Alice raised an eyebrow and slowly walked up behind her classmates so she could peer through the window.
"She really..."The serpent practically breathed in happy surprise before breaking into a wide smile."Well, I better get going, losers. I have a date."
Grabbing her bag and opening the window Alice slipped out before anyone could stop her.
"Is that Y/N Y/L/N?"Everyone jumped as they realised Penelope had joined them.
"Um yeah, either that or her identical twin."FP told her.
"Her parents are going to murder her for going out with someone like Alice Smith."Penelope scoffed.
"Shut up, Blossom."Sierra groaned in the same tone Alice had before.
"Aw I think they're cute."Hermione gushed as Alice and Y/N hugged.
"They sure are."Fred agreed.

"I was starting to think you weren't coming."You teased as Alice played with your hair.
"Aw, sweetheart, you know that no school walls can hold me."Your girlfriend laughed before kissing you."Now let's get out of here."

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