Kevin Keller x Female Reader🤩

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A request for MoRgAn1234SSSSSSS I don't usually write Kevin with girls but this was requestedBtw I just take character requests on my gif series not specific ones

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A request for MoRgAn1234SSSSSSS
I don't usually write Kevin with girls but this was requested
Btw I just take character requests on my gif series not specific ones

Imagine: Going to the Southside with Kevin.
You gripped your boyfriend's hand as you walked into the White Whyrm, You could feel countless eyes on you and immediately regretted wearing your cheerleading uniform.
"It's going to be ok, Y/N."Kevin whispered as he subtly tried to shield you from the men's gazes with his body.
"Easy for you to say."You hissed."You're not being eyed up like a piece of meat."
"C'mon you know I won't let anything bad happen to you."He told you, rubbing your hand with his thumb.
You started to relax as you followed Joaquin, Archie and Moose...until you felt a bone crushing grip on your hand.
"We're all gonna die."You heard Kevin mumble.

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