Cheryl Blossom❤️ (Part Two)

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@Oholalasotasty here's part two!

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@Oholalasotasty here's part two!

Imagine: Cheryl trying to apologise.
After Cheryl's rigged game of spin the bottle at the party you'd completely gone off at your girlfriend. She was angry at you for ditching her at the party and you were angry at her because she had agreed to participate in Cheryl's stupid game.
Your girlfriend was convinced you didn't trust her and well...she was right.
You were sitting in the bathroom crying over your most recent fight when you heard the door open.
"Hello?"The voice asked and you cursed under your breath, of course it had to be Cheryl.
You sniffed loudly and tried to dry your eyes with toilet paper."Go away."
"Y/N, is that you?"Cheryl asked softly, walking over to your stall and gently pushing open the door."Are you ok? Do you need some help?"
"I said go away, Cheryl."You told the redhead."I really don't want to talk to you right now."
"Y/N, I'm so sorry for what I did last night."She apologised."I realise that if I ever wanted you to see me the way I say you I should've just told you...when I still had a chance."
"Yeah, you should've but instead you ruined-"Your phone ringing cut you off. You looked at the screen and saw it was your girlfriend."I've got to take this."
You left the bathroom leaving Cheryl alone regretting her decisions.

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