Toni Topaz💚 (Part Two)

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Thoughts on the new episode?- Mischa💜

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Thoughts on the new episode?
- Mischa💜

Imagine: Toni after you tell her about your childhood.
You heard a soft knock on the door of your room at Kevin's house, where you'd been living since you made it out of the Southside.
"Come in, Kev."You sighed.
It had been three days since you had shot Malachai, two days since the police carried out a successful drug bust and one day since Toni had stopped calling and texting you. She hadn't come over to see you since she found out that Malachai was your brother or communicating much over text, then it seemed as if she just gave up.
"It's not Kevin, it's Toni."Your girlfriend's voice sounded, a little muffled from the door.
You perked up and ran to the door, flinging it open with a bright smile on your face."Toni!"
"Hey."She replied with not even a touch of enthusiasm. Her eyes were filled with a feeling somewhere in between guilt, disappointment and sympathy.
You moved away from the door to allow her to walk in and closed it gently behind her. You followed her over to where she was perched on the side of your bed, you sat cross legged in front of her.
"What's wrong?"You asked and you reached out to take Toni's hand as a reflex, thankfully she let you.
"I-I'm sorry."Your girlfriend told you quickly before squeezing your hand."I'm sorry how badly I reacted to this, Y/N. It's just when you told me Malachai was your brother I wasn't expecting it. He's just so so awful and disgusting and you're-you're...sensational. You mean everything to me, your my whole world, you're perfect. I love you, Y/N."
"Toni, I-I-"You stuttered because you were so astonished. You felt the exact same way but no one, not even your parents had said they loved you before."I love you too, Toni, more than you'll ever know."
A smile made its way onto her face and she cupped your face bringing your lips to hers for a passionate kiss.

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