Fangs & Sweetpea🦷😎 (Poly)

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My heart bleeds for Fangs😔Bleeeeeeeeeeeds😭😭😭- Mischa💜

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My heart bleeds for Fangs😔
- Mischa💜

Imagine: Fangs when Kurtz mentions you.
"Y/N's not going to like this, Jones."Sweetpea warned the Southside Serpent's leader."You know how she feels about-"
"Jones, you better tell me that I've been hearing lies!"You shouted, barging into the classroom.
Sweetpea, Jughead and Fangs all looked up at you as you strode over to them.
"Y/N, look-"Jughead began with a sympathetic smile, about to explain why there were members of the Gargoyle gang sitting at the back of the room.
You stopped short in front of your friends as you saw him, your lip began to tremble and so did your hand when you reached up to point at Kurtz.
"Wh-what the hell is h-he d-doing h-here?"You stuttered and as he locked eyes with you felt a chill run through your bones.
Jughead looked over his shoulder and you could tell when he looked back that he realised the mistake.
"Jug, please tell me we're not joining with the Gargoyles."You pleaded, biting down hard on your lip.
"No we're not, sweetheart."Sweetpea told you, wrapping a strong arm around your shoulders."C'mon we're leaving."
"I'm so sorry, Y/N."Jughead began to apologise.
You shook your head."It's fine...I just-I need to go."
"Y/N!"Kurtz called and his voice made you stiffen."Nice of you to join us, darling!"
"Sweets."You whispered, tugging on the sleeve of his leather jacket. You weren't a damsel in distress that needed to be saved but around Kurtz you couldn't trust him...or yourself."Sweets, can we go?"
Your boyfriend didn't even turn to acknowledge you. He just continued to glare holes into Kurtz.
"Pipe down, Kurtz."Jughead ordered him firmly.
The druggie laughed manically."I'm sayin' nothing, just wondering if Y/N wants to meet me out back after school? Remember, Y/N, all those times behind-"
You whimpered and Sweetpea pulled you closer to him.
"Fricking fizzle rock junkie."Fangs growled before he jumped off the table he had perched on, walked straight up to Kurtz and punched him square in the face.
You silently thanked your other boyfriend for causing pain to your tormentor.

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