part twenty.

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Countless nights leading up to this very day, Nathan spent much of his time replaying every single scenario his brain had came up with over the past few days as he laid there in his bed, staring up at the ceiling fan spinning right above him. In fact, there were many scenarios that popped through his head before this very second, but he would never dare to dream of what would happen next. 

One moment, the girl he loves was looking right into his eyes with one of the brightest smiles he had seen in the longest time, thanking him genuinely. And the very next moment, she had her arms wrapped around his torso as she buried her face in his chest, hiding the huge grin that was plastered across her face. She couldn't contain her excitement and happiness any longer, she was the type to wear her heart on her sleeve, she needed to express how she was feeling. Nathan's eyes were now wide open in surprise and his arms were hanging limply by his sides as his mind registered what was happening. It was only after a good couple of seconds that he had finally reached up to wrap his arms around her waist, the corner of his lips curling up into a smile. His heart was pounding loudly against his chest, as though it might burst out any time, it was safe to say that he had expected none of this and that he didn't even dare to expect this. 

As a matter of fact, Amelia too had surprised herself. It hit her belatedly when she finally realised what she had done. But this time, instead of pulling away like she thought she would, she hugged him even tighter than before, mumbling another 'thank you' which only made his smile grow even wider than before. 

If only she knew how special this place was for the two of them. It was a place that meant a lot to them, really really a lot in many ways. It was the place they would escape to whenever they wanted to hide away from the hustling and bustling of the city, lost in their own world. But of course, he didn't want to stress her out, so naturally, he didn't tell her any of that, at least not yet. All he did was simply enjoy this mini moment they shared, a memory that would stay close to his heart for as long as he could remember. 

This shared moment soon came to an end much to his dismay but of course, he was just glad it even happened in the first place. With a smile still on his face, he pulled out a silk cloth from his pocket and looked over at Amelia who was still admiring the view surrounding them. "Hey," he called out and she turned her head around to look at him. Her gaze slowly travelled down to his hand and she quickly noticed the piece of cloth in it.

"What's that for?" She asked.

"To blindfold you," he stated simply.

"Oh? Progressing that fast are we?" She asked with a hint of playfulness in her voice as her eyebrow shot skyward. A soft chuckle escaped her lips when she noticed the look on his face, a small blush creeping up onto his cheeks.

He was flushed red as he started coughing like a maniac. "Lia!" He cried out, it was the first time he called her by her nickname but she was simply just way too distracted to even realise it. "What happened to your pure mind?"

She scoffed. "Oh please."

"Just put it on," he demanded, a small smile etched on his face.

"Fine, fine," she sang. She grabbed the piece of cloth from his hand, fumbling as she tried to tie them around her head securely. He can't help but let out a deep chuckle as he watched her struggle for a good minute or so before speaking up.

The words that were sitting at the tip of his tongue finally rolled off. "You know what? Here, let me help you." He quickly took the cloth from her and stepped behind her, wrapping it around her eyes and tying it around the back of her head. She could feel her heart racing as he stood close to her, his hands brushing across her face and dark hair. The feeling of familiarity washed over her, engulfing her entire self. It was a feeling so real yet for some reason, she couldn't really pinpoint exactly what she was feeling at that very moment. But in fact, this feeling was the very one she first felt back when she was only at the tender age of 16, back when she felt the butterflies in her stomach whenever he's around. "I will be back," he told her before leaving to grab the things he needed.

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