part nine.

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Amelia thought she was crazy to agree, and even crazier to let herself be this vulnerable in front of a boy she barely knew, at least not the way she used to know him. And for the record, she knew him well, very well in fact, down to the way he would play with the hem of his shirt whenever he feels nervous. She knew almost everything about him and that included the not so pretty parts. But that didn't matter though since everyone has flaws and she happened to be so in love with him, so much so that she felt that her heart would glow whenever he was around her or whenever he's on her mind. 

But right now she couldn't find it in herself anymore, at least not that soon for sure. Her heart wasn't glowing like it used to. Right now, she was just standing in front of an acquaintance, a certain boy where the only thing she knew best was his name. And even then, it was only his first name. His words bounced off of her as she stared blankly at his face. "Hey, you listening?" His voice reached her ears and she was broken out of her little reverie. She watched as he waved his hand right in front of her eyes, only a few inches away from her face to catch her attention. 

She tucked her chin in, shocked at the close proximity for a short while before her lips stretched into a cheeky smile. "Mind repeating?" She asked, and she was met with a deep chuckle as he shook his head lightly in mock disapproval. He was amused, glad even that at last, he had gotten to see a small piece of the Amelia he used to know and see almost every other day. And just like that, he felt happier already.

The walls she had put up so high were slowly being chipped away at its edge, little by little, with each word and each laughter and each teardrop. It was just enough to let one foot in, just enough for him to reach in and lend her a helping hand. It was then she had just realised that maybe it wasn't such a bad idea after all and that maybe it wasn't that crazy to agree to let him help. And him? He realised there was nothing more he ever wanted to do other than to help her remember him. 

As they drove down the streets in the same red car Nathan had since he was 16- not that she would remember, she found herself looking out of the window as the music played in the background. Her hair was riding in the wind and her eyes that were admiring the beauty of the sky were eventually filled with hope, even if it was just the slightest bit of chance that she would regain her memory. "Where are we heading to?"

"It's a surprise," he had stated, his eyes still fixed ahead on the road as a smirk morphed itself onto his lips. For the record, Amelia loved surprises- birthday surprises, mini surprises or planning surprises. But this was not one of them, she was dying to know, her curiosity eating her up. "What? Are you suddenly doubting if I am really your boyfriend? Do you think I'm a serial killer that had just kidnapped you to drive you into the woods and murder you?" 

They had stopped at a red light and he had turned around to look at her, mischief dancing in his eyes and the smirk still etched onto his face. He thought it was hilarious, the way her eyes were widened with her lips parted slightly and the look of regret crossing her face. "What? No...You are not." He had continued to stare back into her eyes, holding them captive as a long beat of silence stretched between them. "Right?"

"Well, hate to break it to you but don't you think it is a little too late to regret?"He asked, a hint of playfulness laced his voice. She didn't think it was even physically possible but she watched as his smirk grew even wider. She gulped inaudibly thinking that maybe she had just made a terrible mistake, wishing that she could rewind time. What was she thinking? How was it a good idea to hop into the car of someone you barely know, someone who claimed to be your boyfriend? She thought that her willingness to trust so easily might just very well be her downfall. She was starting to spiral, just starting to regret her every decision until he soon burst out laughing. His head was thrown back and his hand was clutching onto his tummy as peals of laughter escaped his lips.   

"Hey! Not funny!" She protested as soon as she realised what he was up to. She frowned as she leaned back into her seat with her arms crossed over her chest after punching him in his arm. He raised his arms up in mock surrender, amusement swirling in his bright eyes. 

"I'm sorry, but I respectfully disagree. It was actually hilarious. You should have seen your face, you looked like a ghost," he pointed out, and he was right. Her face was as pale as paper the moment she realised what she had done, she could easily pass off as a ghost if she wanted to. 

She rolled her eyes dramatically, or at least she tried to. She was always laughed at when she tried and was told that she couldn't do it for the sake of anything. But still, she does them anyway and ended up proving them right almost every single time. "Ha-ha, real funny," she deadpanned. "But seriously, prove it. Prove that you are my boyfriend. Hand me your phone." She knew it was a little too late for that, but hey, better late than never right?

"Don't you trust me? I'm hurt, Amelia." He had his hand over his chest and his bottom lip jutting out, feigning hurt. 

She scoffed loudly, ensuring that he had heard her. "Oh, please big boy."

He can't help but let out a soft snicker. "Alright, fine, you win this time." He reached into his pocket to pull out his phone and handed it over to her before he drove down the streets once again. 

Amelia's plan was to scroll through his photo album, looking for a picture of them together since she thought that they must have had a picture together if he was indeed her boyfriend like he claimed. But alas, she didn't need to. She was just about to open her mouth to ask for his passcode when she realised she was already staring at the proof she was asking for- a picture of them. 

It was one of those pictures that couples or friends would take in a photo booth at a carnival down the streets. He had his arm slung around her shoulders as he planted a kiss on her cheek, making the side of her eyes crinkle together as her lips curled into a big bright grin. She couldn't remember this but that was indeed one of the happiest days of her life. She was smiling as if she had remembered the exact moment but of course, she didn't, not yet at least.

That smile had soon faded just like the Miami sunset. Before she knew it, tears were starting to form at the brim of her eyes, threatening to fall any second. Nathan eventually realised how awfully silent she was and quickly parked his car by the side of the streets. When he turned to look at her, his heart broke a little when he noticed the tears swimming in her eyes, glistening under the sunlight. "What's wrong?"

"I...I just..." She stammered as she drew in ragged breaths, trying her hardest to blink back her tears. "This feeling is horrible. I want to tell you I remember everything now, I want to tell you that I remember who you are. But I couldn't and I hate it. These memories just don't exist now, everything that we ever shared was gone just like that. Like ashes, these memories scattered away to the wind like they were nothing." Her voice faltered towards the end as tears rolled down her cheeks for the fifth time this week. 

He reached out to interlace his fingers with hers, and much to his surprise she didn't flinch like she used to. "Amelia, it's okay. I will be here with you, every step of the way. We are going to get your memories back."

"I'm just afraid they won't ever come back."


Hello! To any Singaporean readers, good news! Phase 2 is finally coming soon, I am very excited hehe. But anyway, I just want to thank everyone for their support thus far and I hope you are enjoying my works! (:

Don't forget to vote, comment and share if you like it! Don't be afraid to leave feedback, telling me your thoughts, I would love to hear them from you!

Stay safe.

Much love,

Rachel xx

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