part five.

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"Who are you?"

This was it- his worst nightmare, his biggest fear unfolding right before his very own eyes.

Nathan Yang was always afraid that one day he would be forgotten when he's gone for good. It was the type of fear that was buried deep inside his mind but he always knew it was right there lurking somewhere. Every single day he had to remind himself that the day was still nowhere in sight, that it was way out of his reach, at least not when he was alive. Of course, he did not expect to be forgotten especially when he was standing right there in front of his lover's eyes. And it was at that moment when he realised that his fear was not to be forgotten but it was to be forgotten by her. 

There he was, standing right in front of the eyes of the girl he loves. There he was, his eyes widened in shock and swirling with so much anger while her eyes were filled with fear. Why did it have to be him? Why him of everyone else? He knew it wasn't her fault, that she couldn't decide her fate, because if she could, she would never choose this. But he still cannot help but feel that maybe he didn't mean as much to her so maybe that was why she had forgotten all about him, all about them.

He wanted to reach out to grab her hands in his, letting their fingers interlocked together, to remind her how nicely they have fitted together as if they were meant to be. Yet, anger took control of his entire body as he found himself grabbing her by her shoulders as he shook her petite frame vigorously. His fingers digging into her flesh while he yelled in her face, tension looming like a dark storm cloud above them.

"It's me! I am Nathan!" He screamed but was only met with silence and shock as she stared right back into his eyes blankly. It was as if she was looking at a stranger, as if he was a stranger. And of course, he was hurt, her silence pricking at his heart. In a split second, all the anger that he was once engulfed in had faded away into sadness as emotions ran wild in his dark eyes. "Don't you remember me?" His voice cracked a little as those words he had been holding back from saying the whole time finally escaped his lips. He thought that maybe if he had not said it out loud then it wouldn't be real.

"Sir! You are not allowed in here!"

The last thing he saw was Amelia watching him blankly, her face contorted with fear as she remained seated in her bed. The next thing he remembered was being dragged away forcefully as he fought and struggled to stay, his yells reverberating throughout the entire hospital, bouncing off the poorly painted walls. His mind was a wreck, his lips still parted in shock, his eyes brimming with tears that were threatening to escape any second. There he was, an utter complete mess, standing right outside of the hospital as he stared ahead of him. And everything else was a blur.

He didn't go home that night. Instead, he was back at the beach- the place where he first met Amelia. He was sitting on one of those rocks perched at the top, further away from the ocean. He never knew he could be this heartbroken, he wasn't aware that loving someone can hurt this much. He cannot help but think back to all the times his mother had told him how his fear was still something so far away was all a lie. 

A sigh escaped his chapped lips as he reminisced all the good and bad times they had together over the past 3 years. It almost felt like a fast forward movie as all of them flashed past in his mind, right before his eyes. It had been exactly 1 hour and 23 minutes since he last smiled. But there he was, smiling as his mind took him way back to the day they first met.

Nathan never planned on stopping by at the very same beach that Amelia was sitting at by the sea on a Tuesday night. His plan was to drive home and lock himself in his room with his computer like he always did. But that plan changed almost instantly when he received that call from his mother. It was final. They were really moving away in just a few days. Moving away from everything he was familiar with, everything that he was in love with- the people, the views, the culture he grew to love. 

This was the second time of the same year. He had stopped counting from the start long ago. Instead, he started counting from the start of a new year, that way, it would be easier to keep track of. But that did not make it easier for him to just move every few months, leaving everything behind and move on. It was his weakness, a weakness that he had slowly learnt to overcome over the years. 

And even though this was all already predictable due to the constant moving because of his father's business nature, he had still yet to be used to it, at least not completely. He didn't even know if that day would even come, the day he wouldn't bat an eye to the words 'We are moving'.

He did not scream and yell or punched anything this time. Instead, he found himself slowing down the car and pulling up to park in an empty spot right next to the beach. He had driven past this very beach many times, except this was the first time he stopped to get out of the car. It was the first time he had stepped into the soft white sand as he looked ahead at the vast blue ocean that seemed to stretch beyond the horizons. A smile naturally fell on his face as he inhaled the fresh scent of the sea and he plopped down onto the ground.

And soon enough, he felt better already. Call it cliché or idealistic, but for a brief moment, he had forgotten about all his worries. His troubles tossed away into the sea, sinking to the bottom and all the unhappy thoughts drowned out by the sound of the waves crashing against the shore ringing in his ears or maybe it was the sound of the birds chirping that lingered in the air. But at that moment, he actually felt happy. 

"Hey, I'm upset." The words reached his ears and he whipped his head around, looking up to see a stranger standing right in front of his eyes. She was clad in a white sweater that was a tad bit too big for her, the long sleeves devouring her hands and her bottoms was a matching pair of sweat pants. Her long dark hair was let down covering the sides of her slightly chubby cheeks just like she wanted, with her fringe resting just below her eyebrows. He noticed how the small smile fell off her face in an instant, replaced with a sad look on her face. 

Before he could say another word or even comprehend the situation, the tears came flowing down like a waterfall. At first, he thought she was crazy to break down in front of a complete stranger who didn't even know her name. Then, he panicked. Of course, he did. He had never seen a girl cry before his eyes, except for the one time when he broke his mother's favourite vase that was given by her father who had passed on when Nathan was barely 7. 

He was lost. He didn't know how to react or what he should be doing. He knew he should be comforting her but his tongue was tied for what seemed like an eternity and his hands wouldn't budge either. So, all he did was sat there watching in silence as worry and concern embraced his soft features. Five minutes crawled by when the words that had been sitting at the tip of his tongue rolled off smoothly. "What's wrong?"

That night, he learnt that the name of the stranger. Her name was Amelia, Amelia Kim.  


Hello everyone!! Thank you for 60 reads :) I really hope you guys are enjoying this book as much as I am because I have many exciting things waiting for you hehe

Refer to image for characters visualization and let me know your thoughts or nah other ideas you have in mind hehe

Do consider giving this a vote, comment and share if you love the book so far and don't be afraid to share with me what you would like to see more of! I appreciate all the support <3

Special shoutout to @soulkidd_21 for being one of the loveliest readers I have! Your support for my works means the world to me and it was really nice talking to you! (:

Much love,

Rachel xx

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