part sixteen.

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Writer's block is every writer's nightmare and that is no exception for Amelia too. It was indeed Amelia's nightmare, much worst than the nightmare she had as a kid with the monsters chasing her around when she was just shy from turning eight. But that night, her steps were a little lighter, her smile a little brighter and just like that, everything came rushing back to her all at once, like the river flowing down the stream. Gently pushing open the door to her bedroom, she flung her backpack to one side of the room before plopping down onto her bed. With her hands placed over her tummy, she had her eyes fixated on the same ceiling, the same ceiling that she always finds herself staring at whenever she had a lot on her mind. But finally, this time, they were good things. 

Inspiration sprung to her alas, striking her when she least expected it. It was something she had been struggling with over the past week or so, something she had been dying for. Imagination ran wild in her head, cooking up several scenes and possibilities that would pull the story in a vastly different direction. If there was one thing she could rely on, writing would be that thing. It was something that would never fail to make her happy, never fail to make her lips curl up into a smile ever so effortlessly. It was the one thing she knew would never give up on her, the one thing that would be constant in her life as long as she tries. So naturally, she quickly jolted back up and as expected from Amelia, she immediately got to work. Of course, how could she forget about her favourite hot and spicy calbee chips and a glass of chilled water in the ceramic mug she had with her since she was 10? To say the very least, they were essential when it comes to Amelia and writing. 

And there she was, typing away furiously as the words flow right out of her. She was no longer stuck on the same paragraph, deleting and retyping over and over again. The clicking of the keyboard reveberating in her room, the sounds bouncing off the four walls. One could say that it was one of her favourite sounds even though it irks the people in the library sitting around her.  But don't let that furrowed eyebrows and small frown on her face fool you, that's just her serious face, the way she would look whenever she was concentrating on something huge. Or in this case, when she was working on her biggest passion, the one thing she did not lose even though part of her memories were gone. But she had not forgotten the sweet feeling that would fill her heart whenever she writes. 

So that night, she sat there by the desk, right in front of her laptop as she typed away, never stopping once. The chips she had by her side were slowly starting to turn stale as hours past by in just a blink of an eye. Her mind was filled with everything love and romantic. And this time, she can't help but to let a smile grace her lips, even when the scenes were all fictional and were all only part of her imagination. But still, she was excited to write, as if she was the main character of her own book- the main character that was about to go on her first date. 

She won't deny that it was cliche, she won't deny that books and movies tend to over romanticise something as small as the first date. In all honesty, it might be nothing special to most people, what's the big deal? After all, what is the difference between the first date, the second date and the hundredth date? But for Amelia, they make all the difference. For Amelia, she had long forgotten how her first date went. For Amelia, it was as though she have not had her first date. She forgot the nervousness she felt that very day, she forgot the ridiculous amount of time she spent overthinking her outfit choice and eneded up wearing a simple white dress, she forgot all about the butterflies in her stomach when she saw him standing by the same bright red car he drove her in tonight. 

The frown that was once etched on her face was now gone, replaced by a silly smile as she continued typing. It wasn't hard for her to create a scenario in her head despite the fact that she had forgot all about her first date. Instead, she relied on her trusty rom-coms and Notebook worthy movies to draw all the inspiration she needed as she went on and created the perfect first date- the first date she would love to have.

She was just writing about Claire and Peyton's meal when a soft but just loud enough beep sound reached her ears. She looked down to see a notification popped up on the screen of her phone - it was a text from Nathan. Without even realising, her lips stretched into a small smile the moment her eyes landed on his name. Almost immediately, she eagerly swiped open to read that very text, the book slipping off her mind for once in this entire night.

Hey Amelia, free for dinner tomorrow night? 

Is this a date?

You could say that. Pick you up at 7 ;)

A small chuckle escaped her lips as soon as she read that text. This time, she's not cooped up in her own room writing about love and first dates. This time, she was finally getting her own first date. 


Hello everyone! So sorry for the long awaited chapter, but I hope it was worth the wait! Hopefully my writer's block can be gone just like Amelia HAHA

Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter and do look out for a new chapter coming your way! Don't forget to vote, comment and share if you like my book so far! Your support means a whole lot to me! <3

Much love,

Rachel xx

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