part two.

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Amelia felt stupid. It wasn't rare that she would feel that way but at that very moment she felt it hit her harder than it ever did. 

How could she have forgotten?

She sighed in dismay, her lips slightly parted in despair as the boy- who she finally found out was named Nathan only when they were way too deep in the conversation, drove down the streets. Her mind was screaming at her, her legs begging for her to run, to chase after that darn red car. But alas, she stood rooted to the ground, her feet not moving a single inch as she watched helplessly till the car disappeared into the empty void of darkness after a sharp right turn.

The sky was just starting to shine, rays of sunlight peeking through the thick white clouds. It was the first time she had been out all night and she prayed that her parents wouldn't notice. But of course, they did. She had a strict curfew - nothing later than 11 pm.

Another sigh escaped her lips involuntarily as she turned around and trudged back into the house, her feet dragging beneath her. And even though she prayed they wouldn't be mad, she knew right from the start that she was doomed. The moment she had pushed open that heavy wooden door, she was greeted by both of her parents. Their angry faces were on display as they sat there by the couch as if they already knew beforehand exactly when she was going to step right through that door.

Despite the distance between them, Amelia's mother still noticed everything little detail with her sharp eyes, as though they were only inches apart. She didn't miss a single detail, everything from the dark circles sitting right under her eyes, the sand in her wavy hair, even right down to her soaking wet sandals. Amelia didn't fail to notice that momentarily, she caught a glimpse of worry and concern on the faces of her parents. But that only lasted briefly and it soon faded into anger and rage once again.

"What the hell were you thinking Amelia?"

Even when her parents were yelling at her, she can't help but feel happy as a small smile graced her lips. Everyone would call her crazy if they didn't know her well, even her parents thought that she was crazy for smiling in a situation like that. But then again, people only see what was happening on the surface. If only they dug deeper, they would understand that because even though the words were being mercilessly hurled at her one after another, the only thing that was on her mind was her parents. That for once, her parents were finally not screaming their lungs out at one another, instead, they were screaming at her.

"I'm sorry," she finally burst out, the words sitting at the tip of her tongue for the longest time. And before she could say another word, she was already pulled into an embrace and Amelia had never felt happier. For a while, she did not have to revisit her old memories to remind her how happy they used to be but she felt it right there in her heart at that second, as though they were one big happy family again.

"We are just glad you are safe. Don't ever do that again alright? Promise us."

She looked at them, warmth feeling her heart. The corners of her lips twitched upwards into a small smile as she wrapped her arms around them both. Suddenly, she felt as though she was transported back in time, back when she was 13- when fights ended with kisses and hugs, not silence and the overwhelming feeling of hurt.

"I promise."

That morning, Amelia had called in sick as she laid in bed, replaying the same moment over and over and over... That memory etched onto her mind. Of course, she can't wipe that smile off her face as she remembered how happy she was with Nathan not too long ago. But that smile fell off her face as soon as she remembered how they have just parted ways with nothing but memories and feelings as he left without a trace.

Over the next hour, she was still laying in the same exact spot, only tossing and turning around a couple of times. This was the third time Amelia had sighed in one day. She had just convinced herself that Nathan was just a stranger, reminding herself that it was crazy to even walk up to a random 17-year-old boy in the middle of the night, pouring out her heart and soul. She gave herself all different reasons and justifications, anything one could think of, really. When the sun had set and the sky turned into hues of orange and yellow, she finally accepted her fate or destiny or whatever one calls that. She had finally accepted that maybe she would never see or talk to Nathan ever again.

While she knew that she accepted that fact, deep down inside of her, the hopeless romantic in her still believed and hoped that one day she would see him again. After all, how could she have let go of what she thought was meant to be?

For months, she still held on to it- that belief and hope that she would see him again. She once imagined him walking down the streets, a cup of his favourite black coffee in his hand and the other hand in his pocket. He would be bobbing his head to the music with his earpiece plugged in, lost in his own little world. But that proved to be wrong when one day she found herself staring into the same brown eyes she saw months ago, and almost immediately she was taken back to the beach where it all started.

He wasn't drinking coffee or anything for that matter. And no, he did not have his earpiece plugged in his ears with his head bobbing to his favourite tunes. But there he was, standing right in front of her, handing her the wallet she had just dropped. And it was at that moment, she knew this had to be it.

She can't help but wonder what if she had not rush out that day to get her favourite book that had just hit the bookstores? What if she had chosen to take a different route? What if she left home a minute later? Or what if she had not collided into another woman who was talking on her phone angrily in a foreign language she couldn't understand? What if her wallet had not accidentally slipped of her all too shallow jean pocket that women are stuck with? Would he still be standing in front of her like that?

"Hey, Amelia. Long time no see..."


Hey everyone! Hope you are enjoying 'remember me' so far! Don't be afraid to leave a comment telling me what you think :) And don't forget to vote, comment and share! They mean the world to me <3

Special dedication to @JasperSoh for being my first reader !! Much thanks 

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