part twelve.

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Nathan was always the type of person to rationalise his mistakes, the type that wouldn't think twice when it comes to something he wanted to do once he sets his mind on it. Most would have just called him impulsive and reckless, just like what Amelia had thought. But he thought that he was just following his heart- something the Internet had been telling him to do. So, no doubt this time he listened to his heart too, because his mind cannot seem to function or even think properly, especially not when he was holding her in his arms like that. All his thoughts and emotions took control of his mind effortlessly like it was a puppet they owned. 

And through all these messes, he had falsely assumed that there was this undeniable connection between them, something unbreakable. But really it was just the start of a friendship. A friendship that might just be stupidly ruined by a kiss and everything they tried so hard to build together over a couple of days came crumbling down all at once. 

Amelia thought that he was crazy and rash as she pushed him away the second his lips touched hers. "What the hell do you think you are doing?" She was breathing heavily this time, her eyes staring into his, searching for an answer. If she knew him like how she knew him back when nothing had changed, she wouldn't be as shocked or surprised by his actions, she would have known that it was just how he was. 

"Amelia... I'm sorry, I was-" His apologies fell on a deaf ear as she spun on her heels to walk away from him, leaving him behind once again and this time she meant to. She wasn't like this usually, she was always one to stay behind to listen to whatever explanation he could possibly have. But things changed, for once, she knew surely that he had overstepped a line which she thought was clear enough. And of course, he didn't blame her for walking away, ultimately he knew it was wrong yet he did it anyway.

She hasn't changed much. One would always find her walking down the streets without a care, without thinking even, whenever sadness or anger struck her and eventually consumed here entirely. So there she was, her hurried footsteps echoing in the night as a frown etched itself onto her face. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. She couldn't understand why he would even do something this reckless, she thought that he would have known better. But alas, that was because she didn't know what they have been through together, she couldn't feel what he was feeling. She didn't know that all Nathan had in his mind was that he was finally holding the girl he loved in his arms and nothing else mattered to him right at that second.

Her thoughts were enough to keep her distracted from the fact that Nathan was secretly following her the whole time yet they couldn't keep her distracted enough to remain unaware of the cold. It had finally struck her, her petite frame shivering as a strong gust of wind blew past. She couldn't tell if her body was shaking from the cold or the anger that was coursing through her veins at that very moment or maybe it was both. Another cold wind hit her, sending a shiver down her spine- she does not do well in the cold. 

All of a sudden, she felt someone put a jacket over her shoulders, the touch soft and gentle. The large grey jacket that was 2 sizes too big for her hung over her perfectly as she slowly turned around to come face to face with the boy she had left behind just minutes ago. Once again, if she knew him like how she used to know him, none of these would have been unexpected. Nathan was never one to let her walk alone in the streets this late at night, he was never one to let her leave mad. Even though he knew that the last thing she would want to see was his face, he couldn't bear to see her shudder in the cold, and he was definitely not leaving her alone out here. "I'm not talking to you," she found herself saying, her voice cold and sharp, just like how she wanted it to be.

"Sure, but let me drive you home." She hesitated for a while before finally nodding, much to his relief. He had yet to think of what he would do if she refused. But they soon made their way back to his car and they both slipped into their seats. 

The whole ride back was painfully silent, that was until he could no longer take it as he reached over to turn on the radio. The soft music played in the car as she had kept herself entertained by staring out ahead into the darkness. Him, on the other hand, was dying to speak, to say something. But he thought she needed her space and time to think- it was something she would often ask for whenever they used to fight in the past. And the truth was that he still wished that she would say something, even if it was just "I need some space". But alas that didn't happen.

And Amelia? She had kept her lips glued shut the entire way back home. She thought it was rude but it was better than what she had in mind. She wanted so badly to scream and yell at him for ruining the progress they tried so hard to build, for being so reckless. If only she could read his mind, she would have known that he rather have her yell at him as he thought he deserved it. And if he could read her mind, he would have known that all she wanted was for him to ask if she was okay, to say something. But in the end, the cruel reality was that they couldn't and they both didn't know better.

The car came to a stop after what felt like an eternity, and it was an awful ride for the two of them. He parked right outside her house and noticed from the windows that the lights in the living room remained on. It was bad news for Amelia. He knew how strict her parents can get when it comes to enforcing curfews and immediately offered to walk her to the door at the off chance he could explain to her parents. 

She did not say another word but only nodded ever so slightly, so much so that one would have missed it if they weren't watching close enough. He stood a little further this time as they made their way to the front door. As if on cue, the door swung open just as she was about to enter. Her parents were standing right in front of them, displease written all over their faces. Surprisingly, they haven't spoken a single word as soon as their eyes landed on them. 

They had only ushered her in, her mother's hand placed on her back in a soothing manner. For the first time, her parents had not lashed out her like they always did, but she was just too occupied with her thoughts to even realise. She had turned her head slightly, mumbling the words 'Thank you' as her mother narrowed her eyes at him. Before he could even say another word, the door was shut right in his face. What did he even expect? A thank you from them too? 

Of course not, at least not anymore ever since that very day.


Hey! Hope you enjoy this chapter hehe 

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Much love, 

Rachel xx

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