part eighteen.

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First dates. Amelia had seen them in movies and some of her favourite rom-coms, but the one that stuck with her the longest would definitely be "To all the boys I loved before". As cliche as it may sound, this was one of her dearest novels before it hits the screens just last summer. She couldn't remember much but she was definitely jumping for joy when it was announced that her favourite novel was turning into a series on Netflix. She couldn't remember this but she had this huge smile plastered across her face as she watched the film on the day it was released. 

Gone were the sweet memories she shared with Nathan, of course, this being one of them. She couldn't remember but Nathan was sitting right beside her with one arm slung over her shoulders. She had her eyes fixated on the television screen with a small smile on her face while he had her eyes fixed on her. She didn't tell him this but one of the main reasons she had that smile etched on her face the whole time was because of Nathan himself. She knew Nathan was never a huge fan of rom-coms or anything of that sort, he thought that they were always too cheesy and over-rated, yet there he was, sitting next to the girl he loved just like he had promised, watching it with her without a single word of complaint. What she didn't know was that Nathan was simply too busy focusing on her little outbursts and random commentaries along with all the little smiles that would grace her lips throughout the movie. 

Alas, these were memories etched into Nathan's head only. But he remembered everything she had said and he knew exactly how important first dates were to Amelia. He remembered every little detail about their post-movie talk and much like Lara Jean, she always dreamed of the perfect date. Nathan always thought it was a pity that he only knew that information too late, a pity that their first date was only at Mcdonald's. He could not help but think about the 'if only'- if only he knew how important first dates were to Amelia back then. But this was his chance, his one and only chance to plan the perfect first date for Amelia. Albeit it was not his first date but it was her first date. And this time, he wasn't planning on screwing things up once again and he swore to make it as perfect as he could. This time, he actually had a second chance - those are hard to come by these days. 

It was undeniable that she was way too excited when she knew she was about to go for her first date. It was the first date she could finally remember, the first date that would stay part of her memory forever or at least as long as she could remember. She had this image painted in her head, a scene that she had envisioned- oh the things they would do together. It had been replaying in her mind over and over, so much so that she can't count the times it did. 

The corner of her lips curled up into a smile when she heard a knock on the door. It must be Nathan she thought. With the smile still on her face, she quickly grabbed her purse and pushed the door open but the smile soon fell off her face and a small frown was etched onto her face when she was met with nothing. But from the corner of her eye, she saw a shadow hiding at the corner and before she knew it, there he was, standing right before her. "Close your eyes," he said quickly, nervousness laced his voice. Her eyes fluttered shut almost immediately, the smile back on her face again. A million thoughts flashed past her mind and her heart rate was increasing with each second passing, butterflies filled her stomach as all the different possibilities sprung to her mind. "Surprise!" He exclaimed excitedly, a huge grin on his handsome face.

There he was, clad in a button-down t-shirt with some white shorts that stopped right above his knees. He was wearing her favourite colour - Navy. She always thought he looks amazing in navy especially, it was just something about that colour, something she can't seem to pinpoint but she absolutely loves it.  He was holding a bouquet of flowers in his hands- her favourite lavender with white baby breath. She couldn't contain her happiness and excitement when her eyes landed on him and the flowers he had, they looked extra pretty that day while he thought she was the pretty one, especially seeing her smile and coincidentally, she was wearing the same dress from their first date, who would have thought? Definitely not him.

"Hope you like it," he said with a shy smile, as though time had rewind back to when he first asked her out as his heart was thumping loudly against his chest.

"Of course, I do! I love them, thanks, Nathan." She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around him without a second thought and of course, he was shocked. His eyes were wide open and his arms hung limply by his sides for a while as his mind comprehend what had just happened. Before he could return the hug, she too realised what she had just done. " Oh my gosh... I- Umm," she stuttered nervously, a small chuckle escaped her lips.

"Oh, it's fine," he said way too quickly. "It's just like back to old times," he mumbled to himself, a smile graced his lips. Back to old times- something he wished for, ever since that very day. And today, he finally got a small taste of it, despite it only lasting a few mere seconds, he was extremely grateful that she had finally opened up just a little more. But she didn't know how much her one action meant to him as she stood there smiling back at him nervously. "Anyway, let's go," he finally spoke once again after a short pause. 

She quickly placed the bouquet of flowers down gently on top of the shoe cabinet before slipping on her shoes and heading out together with him. He had kindly opened the car door for her before getting into the driver's seat himself. With that wide smile still on his face, the car roared to life and they drove off with one of their favourite songs blasting in the background. Amelia was staring out of the window, watching as they passed by the trees and houses to go god knows where. "Where are we heading to?" She asked now, curiosity hitting her belatedly. 

"It's a secret," he said with a playful wink. "You will find out soon enough."


Hey guys! I am finally back. I am so so sorry for the lack of updates overall :') but I will try my best to update here more often, that's really my goal this year. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter and if you don't mind, do vote, comment and share, they mean the world to me! And feel free to leave a comment letting me know what are your thoughts! 

p.s I'm excited for where this story is heading to hehe

With love,



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