part thirteen.

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It had been 4 days since they last met or talked or texted. Truth to be told, it was an awful 4 days, the days crawled by for Nathan. All he could think about was the what-ifs. What if showing up at her house would make her hate him even more than she already did? What if she was still not ready to talk? What if she didn't even want to see him? What if her parents chase him out? 

He got it right on the last one, not that he would know, at least not yet. 

The thought of reaching out to Nathan had indeed crossed Amelia's mind but her mother's words rang in her ears, humming constantly like an annoying buzz she couldn't get rid of. "Stay away from Nathan sweetheart." Her mother wouldn't say why when she asked but only repeated the same few words- stay away from him. And so she did. Amelia wasn't one to take her parents advice often, but this time she did. But that was only because she couldn't decide for herself what would be best for her and deep down inside of her, she agreed with her mother.  

Despite all that, she still reached for her phone every hour or so, checking to see if she had missed a call or text from him. Alas, she was met with disappointment every single time. It might be her overthinking but she felt that maybe he just didn't care enough. Little did she know that it was only because he cared, he cared so much that he was afraid he was going to make the wrong move again if he listened to his heart once more. And in the end, she convinced herself that maybe it all happened for a reason and that maybe, just maybe it was for the best. She promised herself to keep things this way, to stay away from him. Otherwise, it would have been too complicated. It was selfish, she knew that but she still thought that it was the only way out, the best one yet.

The seventh day rolled by after what felt like an eternity. He was done sitting around and waiting for something to magically fix his mistakes. He found himself standing right where he was standing a week ago- right outside her doorsteps, praying that her parents wouldn't be home. But he was one unlucky lad. As soon as he rang the doorbell, the door was pushed open and he was greeted by one angry-looking mother. A frown was etched onto her face the moment their eyes met. "Amelia is not home, leave her alone." She spat the words out as if they were poison in her mouth. Her lips formed a grim line and then once again, the door was slammed in his face, the loud bang ringing in his ears. 

Sighing, he turned around to walk away with the letter and the box of cookies in his hands with his head hung low. It wasn't unexpected but it still hit him like a truck when all his terrible thoughts and imaginations no longer stay in his mind but came to life before his eyes. But if only he had turned around for just one second, he would have seen Amelia. He would have seen her watching him dragged his feet as he made his way back to the car. He would have seen her perched on the window, looking down at him, waiting for him to turn back around and notice her. He wouldn't have noticed the tears glistening in her eyes but he would have seen the sad look plastered across her face. But alas, he didn't. 

If he did, he wouldn't be sitting in the car that was still parked at the very same spot. He wouldn't be this lost and not have a single clue as to what he could possibly do right to fix this for good. He would have run back there to Amelia in a heartbeat because there was nothing else he wanted more other than to finally make things right between them. Eventually, he drove home. He was exhausted from all the negative thoughts consuming and engulfing him. He had almost run a red light on the way back but quickly jolted back to reality to pull the car to a stop in an instant. That got his heart beating and his mind thinking. 

This time, he was actually thinking about what he can do to make things right again, instead of the negative crap that he was throwing at himself with no mercy. This time, he didn't think about all the things that could possibly go wrong, he was thinking about the things that could go right.

So there he was once again, finding himself back at square one. Except this time, he wasn't planning on ringing the bell. He wasn't about to let something ruin it for him again. He stood outside, at the very spot he could see the window to her room. He knew this because he used to always climb that very tree conveniently situated right next to her room, just so she could open the window and let him in whenever she's upset. And just seeing him hanging by the tree would put a smile to her face in an instant. But this time he wasn't planning on climbing that tree too, he thought it would have scared her. 

Instead, he picked up a few small pebbles lying in the lawn, aiming it right at her window as he prayed that it would get her attention. She was already asleep by then, but only after drinking some warm milk and lying awake for a good two hours. She was usually a heavy sleeper but this time the soft thud reached her ears and her eyes soon fluttered open. She was ready to ignore it, thinking it might have been the rain or something. But the thudding continued for the next minute or so. Annoyed, she groggily made her way to the window, rubbing her tired eyes before squinting to see Nathan standing right there, right before her eyes. 

Perhaps they were a little too far from one another as she missed the way his eyes lit up with hope the moment their eyes met. But she didn't miss that exaggerated wave he did and the way the corner of his lips twitched upwards into one of the brightest smiles she had seen. 

Just like that, she forgot all about the promise she made to herself that very day. 


Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well. Sorry that I wasn't able to update yesterday but here it is! I hope you enjoy this chapter and don't forget to vote, comment and share if you like it hehe <3

Thank you for all the support thus far, we are so close to 100 reads! :) 

Much love,

Rachel xx

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