part nineteen.

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"Fine," Amelia mumbled unwillingly. She bit down on her bottom lip as she leaned back into her seat and had her arms crossed over her chest and a small pout etched on her face. 

She would be lying if she said that there wasn't a single ounce of curiosity swirling in her right there and then. In fact, the curiosity was killing her with each second ticking by. If she wasn't trying her very best to stay calm and pretend as though she wasn't bothered by it, she would be bouncing up and down in her seat excitedly and repeating the word 'where' way too many times, much like an annoying 5-year-old on her first road trip. That's the last thing she wanted Nathan to see, she shivered in disgust involuntarily just at the thought of it. 

And so, she let her eyes wander about as she looked out of the window to stare at the buildings and trees they were driving by, just as a means of distraction for a little while. Nathan was just driving by slow enough for her to admire them, to watch the scene before her eyes, to take in the little details of the houses and buildings they drove passed. Nathan always knew how much Amelia loved to stare out of the window whenever he drives her home or anywhere else really. Silence would lapse between the both of them and neither him nor her would ever feel pressurised to speak or say something. They simply enjoy the silence together, all they needed was each other's company. But this time, he wasn't exactly driving this slowly for her to enjoy the scenery they passed. This time, it was all because of a constant nagging at the back of his mind, telling him to slow down. It was his brain telling him to be mindful of the cars, the roads, the signs and the traffic.   

He had a serious look plastered across his face, his eyebrows furrowed together in concentration as he stared at the road ahead of him, his eyes occasionally fluttering left and right. His heart was pounding a little faster than usual, fear and nervousness starting to settle in. Maybe it was the fact that he was driving, surrounded by countless cars and people. Or maybe it was the fact that he was finally going out on a date with the girl he loves. Or maybe it was both. 

Many thoughts and scenarios were playing over and over again in his mind like a broken record he can't fix. So much so that he failed to realise that Amelia was no longer looking out of the window but looking right at him for the longest time. Her wide hazel brown eyes were swimming with pure worry as she continued looking at him, watching how he had this small frown that was etched onto his face and how his lips were slightly pursed. She had opened her mouth to say something but quickly closed it before any words manage to escape her lips. She turned back to stare ahead of her once again, fumbling in her seat as she played with her fingers for a while, still distracted. "Nathan?" she finally called out after what seemed like forever. 

The sound of her voice reached his ears and the corners of his lips twitched upwards into a small smile naturally. He whipped his head around and his eyes fell on hers as soon as the car came to a stop at the red light. "Are you okay?" She asked, concern laced her soft voice as she leaned forward ever so slightly just to have a closer look at his face. 

"Oh, I'm okay," he quickly replied, averting his eyes back to the road. Except he isn't okay

Ever since that very day, the day his world came crumbling down when he heard the bad news, he could no longer drive with that much ease all the time. He could no longer easily swerve around, switching lanes effortlessly like he once used to. He could no longer enjoy the blasting music or the scenery as much as he used to. There would be this small voice at the back of his mind, reminding him how scary the roads are, that damn voice he can't seem to get rid of no matter how hard he tried. All the different possibilities that he doesn't even want to think about would just come springing to his mind without a single warning. He would always try to shake them off but they kept coming back to haunt him from time to time. There's no other way to say it but to say that it sucks, it really does. But he doesn't want to tell Amelia any of that simply because he didn't want her to think too much or feel the same fear he was feeling. So he lied. "It's nothing," he said with a small smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Are you sure?" She asked, just in case. And he gave her a firm nod but deep down, she knew that he was probably not telling the truth, but she didn't want to push him in any way. So, she kept all her questions and thoughts to herself and simply smiled back at him. "That's great then."

Another 12 minutes had passed, and the car halted right by the road. Tucked away in a secluded spot, was a flower field, filled with the dreamiest colours. It felt surreal. It was like a scene plucked right out of a movie or a book, a scene she never thought she would experience in real life. She can't help but let out a sigh of amazement as she breathed in the fragrance of the flowers lingering in the cool air, a wide smile sitting on her face. She's a sucker for flowers and anything remotely romantic. "Surprise!" She heard Nathan exclaimed beside her, a proud grin etched onto his face as he watched her. "Do you like it?" 

"Like it? I freaking love it!" She was on cloud nine and bursting with excitement as she took in the incredible view that was laid out before her. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, it was one of the most beautiful things she had ever seen in her life. She was bouncing with each step she took, basking in the sunlight. He couldn't help but to laugh at how excited she was. He thought she was adorable, the way she walked, the way her voice gets one pitch higher. All he was thinking about was how happy she looked and how happy she was, and that was enough to make him happy as well. He couldn't imagine a life without her in the future and he prayed every night that he doesn't have to.

A deep chuckle escaped his lips, " I'm glad you do," he muttered more to himself but of course, she heard him still. 

She whipped her head around, a bright smile graced her lips as they locked eyes. "Thank you, Nathan."


Hi all! How was your weekend? I hope it was great hehe. Here's another brand new chapter and I promise I will try to work on this more often and update weekly. Your support means a lot to me and I hope that you enjoy this book so far. It is by far one of my favourite works I have written :) I hope you love it as much as I do <3

Also, I absolutely love flowers and would really want to visit a flower field in the future :')

Don't forget to vote, comment and share if you like it! It really helps me out and I truly appreciate it :) Feel free to leave a comment and let me know your thoughts!

See you in the next chapter! 

With love,


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