part twenty-two.

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Just as Nathan had predicted, Amelia had caught a cold and fallen sick the very next day. And Nathan being Nathan, he can't help but to blame himself for a bit. He laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling as he blamed himself for not stopping her from dancing in the rain just yesterday despite having that thought crossed his mind. If only I had stopped her, he thought to himself way too many times in a short span of an hour. Those few words were echoing in his mind, repeating over and over like a broken record he can't seem to fix. But the moment he was reminded of the smile that was plastered across her face, the moment she had thanked him so genuinely for doing this with him, the moment she had said that it was her dream, he finally stopped blaming himself for letting it happen. It might just be the best mistake he made.

And it was true. There she was laying in her bed, wrapped under her thick fluffy blankets and surrounded with all her favourite soft toys which she named 'Brownie' and 'Wolfie'. She was still shivering despite the fact that the fans were turned off and the windows were closed shut. She let her eyes flutter shut, trying her best to get some rest and forget about how horrible she was feeling. But deep down inside of her, she didn't mind that horrible feeling all too much, she didn't mind that her head was hurting because after yesterday, one of her dreams finally came true.

It was then, she heard a light knock on the door. "Come in," she mumbled just loud enough as she pulled her blankets up even higher than before. As she hid under her layers of blanket,  somewhere inside of her, she was secretly wishing that Nathan would be standing right behind the door waiting for her. The door was soon gently pushed open to instead reveal a blonde-haired girl peeping into the room and she would be lying if she said that she didn't feel any ounce of disappointment swimming inside of her. She watched as the girl approached her as she carefully held a brown paper bag in her hand. "Kelly?" Amelia called out, squinting her eyes. To say the very least, she had not expected Kelly to show up at her house, standing right before her eyes. But of course, she was still happy to see her best friend nonetheless. "You know I'm sick?"

"Of course I knew. How are you feeling babe?" She quickly asked, her voice laced with concern and worry as she plopped herself down onto the bed, watching her. Amelia had a pout on her face as she looked up at her best friend with those puppy eyes of hers. She reached out to grab her friend's arm. "I feel horrible," she whined, dragging every single word and syllable as she spoke.

"There, there. Hope you feel better soon," she muttered, patting her head gently as a small laugh escaped her lips. "Anyway, I have good news for you. I brought you something!" She exclaimed in a sing-song voice, holding up the bag in her hand, letting it dangle before her eyes.

"What is it?" She asked, full of anticipation swimming in her eyes as she patiently waited for her reply.

"It's your favourite doenjang jjigae from the Korean food place you always go to." The moment those words tumbled out of her mouth, Kelly watched with an amused smile etched on her face as Amelia's eyes lit up almost instantly. It was not an exaggeration when Kelly said that Amelia had jumped out of her bed and a huge grin was plastered across her face.

"Are you serious?" She asked with her wide-doe eyes looking right into Kelly's and she had both her hands covering her mouth as she bounced in excitement. "The queue is always crazy long. You have to wait at least about an hour for that."

"Yeah, but..." She drawled. "Nathan was the one waiting," she accidentally burst out loud. 

Amelia had one of her eyebrows raised as she looked over at Kelly, all confused. But there was a feeling of warmth that washed over her the second she knew that Nathan still remembers what she loves to eat and the fact that he even bothered to queue just for her. "Wait, did you just say-"

"Oh shoot," she muttered under her breath as her hands flew to her mouth right away. "I wasn't supposed to say anything about that," she quickly said as she bit her lower lip, knitting her eyebrows together.  "Please don't tell Nathan," she pleaded, putting her hands together and Amelia only chuckled. 

"I won't. But..." Kelly watched as a smirk morphed onto her lips. "You better spill."

"There's nothing to spill." Amelia narrowed her eyes at her and she had her arms crossed over her chest as she leaned back onto the headrest, waiting for her reply."Fine... Nathan told me you have fallen sick and he wanted to get you your favourite soup, so here I am," she explained and Amelia could only look at her, confusion was written all over her face.

"Why can't he come over on his own? Is he sick too?"

"Uhh... No, he's not sick." All of a sudden, she had this serious look on her face as the words that were once sitting at the tip of her tongue rolled off. "You know, I don't think I should be answering that question..." She mumbled more to herself as she lowered her gaze, avoiding Amelia's eyes. "I think you should talk to him about it instead."

This time, her eyebrows were knitted together as she stared at Kelly, waiting for a better explanation. "What's going on?" She finally asked as she looked into her eyes. 

But little did she know that it was an answer she would wish she had never found out, an answer that she was definitely not ready to hear. 


Hi guys! Sorry, I missed last week's update but here's another brand new chapter! Hope you like it! A little cliff hanger and teaser for you all hehe. I have been kinda dropping hints here and there, a lil foreshadowing, see if you pick any of those up ;)

Anyway, don't forget to vote, comment and share if you like it and let me know what are your thoughts! I would love to hear from you! :)

I appreciate all of you and I will see you in the next chapter! Have a lovely day everyone!  <3

With love,

Rachel xx

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