part eight.

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One could say that it was right at that moment when she saw her world came crumbling down, bit by bit. All of the pieces falling and shattering with just a few words. But she would have to save that phrase for another time. All she knew right now was that she finally realised exactly why she felt so afraid in the first place. She knew exactly why she even doubted her decisions to come, to face her fears. Just standing there, registering every word that he had just said was the exact reason why she didn't want to find out about the truth. It was safe to say that it was something she would rather not know. That way, her life would have been much easier, that way she wouldn't have to go through all of that heartbreak and tears and fights- everything she always tried to avoid at all costs.

She always thought that knowing the truth and not running away from it for once would definitely help her feel better. At least that was what her mother used to tell her whenever she needed to hear that. But little did she know that this little visit she paid would have changed everything she thought she knew.

"Get out." He spat those words out like they were poison in his mouth. And while it wasn't exactly poison, it felt like one to Amelia, like the black ink seeping into her, finding its way to her beating heart.

She was shocked and definitely hurt. After all, it was not what she had expected. She expected answers, the ones she was dying for. But well, at least she can cross 'Who are you?' off her list of questions for now. "What? Why...why are you being-" She stammered, confusion laced her voice as she looked over at him with her eyebrows knitted together.

He didn't hesitate even when he saw the look on her face, he was too busy being hurt himself. "I said get out!" He screamed this time, making her jump as her heart skipped a beat. His mind was a hurricane, the small voice in his head telling him this was a horrible thing to do, that this was the last thing he should do. But all logic was thrown out of the window as he was hurt, hurt that he was forgotten by the person that mattered so much to him. At that moment, he couldn't think at all, his mind wasn't working. It was his heart speaking this time.

It should be known that Amelia always had the ability to remain calm during fights and arguments, despite all the shouting and yelling. She would cry like any other normal human but she wouldn't shout or yell or even raise her voice, it just wasn't her. But this time she finally snapped. "It's not my fault I have amnesia!" She had shocked herself as soon as those words tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop herself.

Back in the hospital, everything felt unreal. Even after many days, she was still in denial, still comprehending and registering what she heard hours after she woke from a coma. That day, she vowed to never say these words out loud, because that way it seemed to downplay the severity of everything as if they don't exist even when they are right there. She felt that if she actually said those words with her own mouth, all her fears and worries would suddenly roar to life. But boy was she wrong, foolish even to think that just because she remained silent then it wouldn't be real. Yet, there she was, standing there admitting not only to Nathan but also herself that she was diagnosed with amnesia. At last, she accepted that very piece of information. Her voice went soft towards the end, barely above a whisper. "I didn't choose this, you know..." Her once seemingly strong facade collapsed, came crashing down all at once.

If only her eyes weren't fixed on the floor beneath her, she would have caught the look on his face as a wave of regret washed over him, drowning him. The words he had just said came back to haunt him and he knew he would never forgive himself for even daring to say them out loud.

"I'm leaving," she muttered under her breath, confirming the fact that this was probably one of the worst decisions she had ever made, confirming the fact that this was indeed a mistake. Her sleepless nights were not for nothing, because clearly there was something wrong, something she had to worry about, something to be afraid of. And though her voice was soft, he had caught every single word she said loud and clear.

Just as she spun on her heels to leave, he had reached out to grab her forearm in his hand, his fingers curled around it naturally and for a mere second, his touch almost felt familiar to her. "Wait, I'm sorry. I didn't know." This was all too hard for him to process in just a few seconds. He didn't understand initially and even after what she had just said, he still didn't seem to understand. He thought it was unfair that it had to be him of all people. Amnesia? Don't they only exist in the world of fiction? He couldn't believe how he had known nothing about this, how Katherine did not mention a single word about it when she texted him to say she was finally awake. He would love to believe that it slipped her mind, that she had simply forgotten to say. But then again, how could one forget a piece of news like this?

There were so many words he wanted to say, so many questions he had swirling in his mind at that very moment. His words were everywhere in his mind, all over the place and he couldn't put them into actual coherent words, so they remained in his head. "I shouldn't have yelled at you, it was completely my fault."

She wanted to say 'it's okay', that's what she always says even when she knew it wasn't but this time she couldn't bring herself to say it. "Let go of me," she said instead, her voice came out surprisingly calm as her eyes bored into his. Her words were like knives, every one of them twisting and turning as they pierced right into his already wounded and bleeding heart. And all that was on her mind was that she wanted to go home. All she wanted was to lay in her bed with her own thoughts and feelings to register everything she had just heard from him. It wasn't much but those words held so much weight.

"Look, please. I just need some time to process this. This is all too much for me."

"This is too much for you? Well, it is for me too." She yanked her arm out of his grip as her eyes burned with tears and her lips were quivering ever so slightly. The tears that she was once trying so hard to hold back all came pouring down, trickling down her rosy cheeks as she sobbed silently. They stained the collar of her shirt. "I am afraid, I am scared. I don't know what to do with this information. What if I can't remember you? What if my memory doesn't come back ever? What do I do?"

Without skipping a beat, without even thinking, Amelia soon found herself embraced in his arms. He wasn't about to make the same mistake again, the same mistake of letting her go. His arms were wrapped around her torso as he pulled her close to his chest, holding her petite frame in his strong arms. He can't help but think about how this was the closest they have ever been for a long time. Startled, her arms hung limply by her side for a while as she registered what had just happened. And even though she barely knew this guy, it was exactly what she needed at that point in time and she knew she couldn't bring herself to push him away this time.

Soon enough, she found herself slowly lifting her arms up to return the hug as she buried her face in his chest and an unexpected soothing feeling washed over her in an instant. Her guards went down as she let herself cry, her tears staining his thin white shirt.

"Let me help you, please."


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Much love,

Rachel xx

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