part fifteen.

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The night ended sooner than Amelia liked, but of course Amelia being Amelia, she didn't utter a single word about it even though she wished that she could lay there just a little longer. She wanted so badly to admire mother nature's beauty, to stare blankly up at the night sky for as long as she could and all her troubles would just quietly fade away into the darkness almost like magic. But alas, she found herself already walking back to the car they came in, Nathan just right beside her with each step she took. 

And even though they were no longer laying down like they were just minutes ago, her eyes were still fixated on the night sky that was so artiscally decorated with all the bright stars shining down on her. After all, how could she tear her eyes away from a beauty like that? 

Little did she know that Nathan was thinking the exact same thing, except he wasn't referring to the stars in the sky. If only she stopped and looked over at him just for one second, she would realise he was looking right at her. But what she wouldn't realise or guessed were all the things running through his head at that exact moment and the very thing that was going to happen in just a few seconds later. 

Finally, he thought to himself. He was finally able to execute the last part of his plan. It would probably sound absolutely ridiculous to everyone else but he was convinced that it was the right thing to do- at least for now. He had spent many hours and days thinking about just what he should do, and there was no other better way he can think of.

He reached deep into his pocket, casually throwing a pebble right in front of her path. And Amelia being Amelia, she never had her eyes on the very path she was walking on, so of course, she tripped- just like a week ago. This time, he had caught her again, just like how he imagined it to be. He had his arms wrapped around her torso as he looked down at her and her brown eyes were boring right into his. Shock embraced her features as her lips were slightly parted on instinct. It felt just like deja vu. She thought that it was crazy the exact same thing had happened just a week ago, but what she was going to find out would be even crazier than she could ever imagine. 

He wasted no more seconds as he pulled her back up onto her feet in one swift motion. "Caught ya," he winked playfully and she could only laugh. The corners of her eyes crinkled together while her lips curled into a big smile as laughter escaped her lips like melodies to the wind. And just like that, he had quickly forgotten about all the nervousness and all the pressure that he so unmercilessly placed upon his own shoulders were finally lifted. It was crazy to think about just how powerful her smile and laughter was, but to him, everything was just perfect and that was exactly what he wanted to see- to see her happy.

She looked over at him to see a huge grin plastered across his face. A grin so huge that even she would not have guessed that he had even worry about failing to win her back just seconds ago. "This feels so familiar, as though the same thing had just happened before," she pointed out. Of course it felt familiar, it was part of his plan all along. He can't help but to let out a deep chuckle before finally spilling everything to her.

"You see, this was all part of the plan. I brought you back here purely because I wanted to recreate the scene from last week. But this time, I wanted to make things right." He smiled, his eyes capturing hers once again.

His response had shocked her to say the very least, she couldn't believe her ears. How could she have expected that? "So, are you saying that you threw that pebble on purpose?" She asked, amusement twinkling in her eyes as she quirked an eyebrow at him. She watched as he nodded with a cheeky grin etched onto his face as he stifled a laugh. It was only when she put it that way, then he realised just how crazy his plan sounded and they both soon burst out into laughter.  Their laughter echoing into the night, filling the silence that was lingering in the air as they threw their heads back and clutched onto their tummies. 

"You are crazy, oh my god. You are so weird, Nathan Yang."

"You are right, you are so right."


Hey guys, I am finally back! This is a relatively short chapter but I hope you still enjoy reading this! Thank you for all the support thus far and don't forget to vote, comment and share with your friends if you like this story! I am excited for more to come hehe

With love,

Rachel xx  

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