part four.

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Amelia was always the romantic, sappy one. She was all about fate, destiny and all things magical. And Nathan? Well, he was quite the opposite. He didn't quite believe in meant to be or happily ever after or big grand gestures. He thought that these were all very well bullshit, to put it nicely. You could say he was more practical and realistic when it comes to love. But despite their differences, over time, Amelia grew to love the small thoughtful gestures while Nathan, on the other hand, grew to appreciate and understand the meaning behind all her big grand gestures. 

They had come a long way since exactly a year ago when she asked him to be his boyfriend. And of course, Amelia always loved big gestures, in fact, she was dying to do it. In her mind, she thought that it was the perfect way to show her love for him and to show him just how much she appreciated him. But at the same time, she knew that Nathan just wasn't that type of guy and that was why she waited.

She waited and waited because he had made it clear that he thought monthsaries and celebrations were stupid and pointless. And even though it was just a passing remark he made as they watched her favourite Rom-Com on one of their date nights, she made sure to keep those words in her mind. As for Nathan, despite everything he had said about celebrating monthsaries or anything in general, every single month of the entire year, he still made the effort to celebrate them without fail just because he knew how much they meant to her.

It was their first anniversary - April 7, it was their favourite number too. She was excited, ecstatic even. The day couldn't come any later, she had been saving it since their first month together. After waiting patiently for a good whole year together, she finally had the chance to do something much bigger and grander than before. And so she did, planning every little thing down to its last detail. 

She had told him that day to come before the sun would set. But her? She had long arrived before him, setting up a picnic in what she thought was the perfect spot, the one that would give them one of the most magnificent views of a sunset. It was a pity that she couldn't remember anything from that day, it was one of the best days of her life. The sky was painted with hues of red, orange and yellow, reflected in the once white clouds that were hanging high up above them. She had her head leaned onto his shoulder as they watched in awe, staring at the piece of art nature had so kindly and generously offered to the world. 

Amelia had prepared his favourite food- Steak and fries. Of course, she didn't cook it herself, she knew she would have butchered that expensive piece of meat in minutes. But what he didn't know was that she had spent hours researching on how to make the perfect steak only to give up later purely because it looked way too complicated for her. And so, she made a call to their favourite steak house instead. Though, it should be noted that she did deep fry the fries for the first time in her life which explained the small burn in her arm. 

So there they were, sitting somewhere in a park nearby as they look up to see the once orange sky now pitch black with speckles of gold adorning it in all the right places. The night was rather quiet for a place filled with people, only the sound of soft chatter and occasional laughter lingered in the air. But alas, that was only until he took his last bite of food.

Of course, Amelia had planned a surprise for him, you cannot expect anything less from her. It was only minutes ago when Kelly was still hiding behind the tree but the moment Amelia had placed her phone down, that was it. Kelly slowly made her way towards them as she held a guitar in her hand, her fingers strumming ever so delicately. It was something Amelia wished she could do but after all, all she could do was to sing. She wasn't an excellent singer but that was the grand gesture she had come up with, it was to serenade her boyfriend with her favourite song- Can't help falling in love. 

Truth to be told, he was shocked when he noticed from the corner of his eyes as Kelly made her way towards them. After all, it was a surprise. He thought that Amelia must have called her for whatever reason. But when he finally saw the guitar in her arms and Amelia standing up, it finally clicked. He saw the two of them in front of his eyes but he was only watching Amelia as predicted, and a smile graced his lips.   

But when the song ended, the small bubble around him burst away and he quickly noticed what was happening around him. He was embarrassed, he didn't very much enjoy basking in the attention. His cheeks were flushed red as over a hundred pair of eyes were staring right at them. It was cheesy as hell but nonetheless, his heart was filled with so much warmth and love and bliss that night. It was a night that they would never forget, a memory that both of them would treasure dearly and hold so close to their hearts- until she forgot.

They were a pair of loving couple, that was certain. But, one wouldn't say they were a match made in heaven, at least that wasn't what it felt like. Just like every other couple out there, they faced their own problems and obstacles. But of course, they overcame it together and they have never given up once at all. Because they knew that despite how difficult relationships can get at times, they knew how easy it was to love one another. 

There was not one thing that can stand in their way, there was never one obstacle they couldn't knock down together. But then again, that was all before a moment like this...

It was way past visiting hours in the hospital, but Nathan being Nathan, he had managed to sneak into the very room he was standing in right now. After all, it wasn't the first time. He was standing only less than a meter away from Amelia, watching her as she had finally fallen asleep after two whole agonizing hours of overthinking. 

He knew he shouldn't stay for long but soon he found himself even closer to her as he took small, cautious steps so as to be careful not to startle her. He had longed to hold her hands in his, telling her how much he loves her. Maybe it was the relief that she was okay or the happiness of seeing her for the first time this week, he found himself calling out to her. "Lia," he whispered, it's how he called her almost all the time, ever since their first date. "I'm sorry."

He had imagined how the scene would unfold in his mind over a hundred times in the past couple of hours. He imagined how her eyes would flutter open and he would finally be looking right into those dark brown eyes that used to shine so brightly, the ones he couldn't take his eyes off of. He imagined how the corner of her lips would twitch upwards into one of the brightest smiles he had ever seen as he pulled her into a hug with their arms wrapped around each other. 

But what happened next was far from what he had imagined the whole time. In fact, he would have never seen this coming, never in his life. 

Her eyes slowly blinked open and widened as she saw the face of a man barely a few inches away from hers, his fingers interlaced with hers. Her eyes were now wide open, her heart thudding loudly against her chest as she breathed heavily. And then, she screamed. 

Her scream reverberated throughout the entire room, shattering his eardrums and piercing right through the air. It was shrill, it was sharp.  And he was shocked, of course, maybe even petrified. To say the least, he had not expected this reaction. After all, he had just driven down from home, speeding through the empty streets the very same day he received a text from Amelia's mother, simply informing him that she had woken up. The entire trip here, his heart was racing faster than his car racing down the streets as the day he had dreamt of had finally come true.

But what he didn't know was that his worst nightmare was unfolding right before him.


Hola! Thank you for taking some time out of your day to read this chapter, to read my book. They mean a lot to me and even though I say it all the time, it is true because they really do :') But do consider leaving a vote, comment and share if you enjoy reading this chapter!

Much love,


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