part seventeen.

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Nathan had that stupid, goofy smile on his face as he recalled what had just happened at the beach earlier and images of his lover smiling lingered in his head. And as cliche as it sounded, he refused to let that image slip right out of his mind anytime soon and all he wanted was to hold on to it for as long as he could. It may sound a little crazy but to him, it was one of the very rare times he have seen her smile like that, a smile so bright and genuine. 

That very night, as Amelia's imagination ran wild and her head swamped with the endless scenes she created for her own world of fiction, so did Nathan- at least for the next hour or so. He did not know when or how but the images and scenes flashing before his eyes were now all fictional, belonging to his mind only as reality slowly slipped away from his grasp. But that was only true until he finally picked up his phone that was laying on his bedside table this whole time. It was hard to describe that feeling but the moment his finger wrapped around his phone and knowing what he was about to do next only made his heart thud louder. He could feel his heart pounding crazily against his chest and the sound of his heart beat echoing in his ears, drumming loudly. Everything that could go wrong sprung to his mind uninvited and they were just enough to make him go crazy. 

A knock broke his train of thoughts and somehow calmed him down. The door to his room was pushed open slightly and he could see his mum peeking through the gap, a small smile etched onto her face. "Girl problems?" She asked, quirking a perfectly groomed eyebrow at her son  before letting herself in. 

"How do you know?" he asked, surprised yet amused. 

"I have seen that look on your face. It's about Amelia isn't?" There she was, sitting right beside him on his bed, waiting for his response even though she knew she was probably right. It could only be Amelia she thought and of course, she was right, just like she predicted. He was nodding rather enthusiatically and he sat right up almost instantly.

"Can you help me?" 

"Of course, I am here for that very reason," she chuckled, before straightening her posture and leaning forward just a little more as a smile fell on her face. "Come on, tell me more." And so he did, everything right from the very start where he met Amelia in the hospital. If he had remembered correctly, this was the first time he had talked to his mum in a long time, more specifically, the first time he had talked to her about Amelia without breaking down all over again. This time, he had a smile on his face, the corners of his lips twitching upwards into a full grin. This time, his eyes weren't bright and shiny with the tears he tried so hard to hold back, instead his eyes were sparkling with so much hope and love. Just like that, the nervousness he was feeling minutes ago slowly dissapated, gone as quickly as it came. "So, am I right to say that you are nervous asking your own girlfriend out on a date?" She clarified as she tried to mask her laugh with a cough. 

"Well..." he drawled. "Yeah, you are right. But hey, in my defense, she doesn't remember me. So technically, we are friends. This would pretty much be like our first date." His mother smiled at him as she placed a hand on his shoulder. 

"Oh Nathan, my poor son."

"Mum..." he protested as she squuezed his cheeks in her hands, a smirk morphing itself onto her face. "Come on, I need your help."

"You are about to text her aren't you? Just do it."

"What are you, Nike?" She narrowed her eyes at him, her arms crossed over her chest as she stared at him blankly. "Alright, alright, I will do it," he raised both his arms up in mock surrender before picking up his phone once again. 

"That's what I would like to hear. Go get her back!"

Just like that, she left the room, shutting the door behind her. He was left all alone again as he stared down at the screen of his phone, his eyes could practically burn a hole through it. Taking in one deep breath, he squeezed his eyes shut tightly before hitting the send button. And in just one second, his imagination and the crazy possibilities that were swimming in his head the entire hour plus finally have a shot at becoming reality the very next day.


Hello! A rather short chapter here but I think it is perfect where it ends. Let me know your thoughts and if you enjoy the book so far! I would love to hear from you :)

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Much love,

Rachel xx

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