part twenty four.

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Amelia didn't know just how naive and trusting she was when she simply accepted Nathan's explanation that very night without even asking a single question. She didn't know how one day everything she thought she knew and believed would turn out to be false. She didn't know just how much her world would crumble and change when she finally learns the truth. 

But indeed, as people would say, ignorance is bliss. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise. At least this time she could have a smile on her face as she lay in her bed and let herself drift away into a deep sleep. She no longer had the questions swirling in her head like a hurricane, messing with her every thought. She no longer feels her heart palpitating as quickly as it was before. She no longer feels that looming sense of worry that was hanging right above her head and overwhelming her in every way possible. She could finally sleep soundly in her bed, just like she wanted to hours ago. 

But as her eyes flutter shut, little did she know that over a couple of miles away, there was Nathan lying on his bed in his room with guilt consuming him. That very guilt was growing with every minute passing, engulfing him entirely. Of course, he was guilty that he had to lie to the girl he loves. Of course, he felt bad for everything and he wishes he could simply tell her everything but then again, he couldn't tell her the truth for many reasons - reasons that he wished she would never have to find out. He eventually fell asleep only after a couple of hours, but with that thought and guilt still haunting him endlessly, lingering at the back of his mind the whole time until he finally fell asleep. 

The next morning came and Amelia did receive a call from her best friend Kelly, just as she had expected. She didn't know why but right before she answered the call, she could feel her heart beating a little faster than usual and thoughts were starting to run wild again. She wasn't feeling that same blissfulness and peace from yesterday night. It was as though deep down inside of her she knew something felt off about yesterday. It felt as though she knew everyone was trying so hard to hide something important from her, something she should know. Her hands were shaking but she thought that she was just overthinking things, so she quickly let that thought slip. 

Kelly had only called to ask how was she feeling and apologised for leaving so soon. Amelia managed to let out a soft chuckle as she told her she's okay and that she didn't have to apologise for that. On the other end of the line, Kelly had let out a sigh of relief as a small smile crept onto her lips. "Thank god," she mumbled under her breath. "Well, I'm glad you are feeling better. Anyway, I got to go now, see you soon love." She quickly hung after hearing what she wanted to hear from her and continued on with her day as if nothing had just happened, as if Amelia did not stay up at night wondering what she had done wrong and with all these questions stuck in her brain for what seemed like the longest time. 

Truth be told, she was a little disappointed. She thought Kelly knew her better, she thought she could tell just by her voice that something may be wrong. But of course, Kelly couldn't. She was simply too focused on herself and overwhelmed with her own emotions to even notice the slightest change in her best friend's tone. And Amelia took that as a sign, maybe it really wasn't a big deal. She told herself over and over that she was simply overthinking things and that she was overreacting so she did what everyone else was doing - to pretend nothing happened. Or one could say, she tried.

Amelia was never good at pretending nothing happened though, she was never great at ignoring something that was obviously bothering her. Although she did take his words for it and didn't even bother questioning Nathan or Kelly, that feeling, a feeling she couldn't exactly pinpoint was bugging her the entire time. No matter how hard she tried, that same feeling remained there, lingering at the back of her mind and stayed stuck to her like gum stuck to the sole of a shoe. 

So she did what she did best instead - Writing. She plopped down on the chair by her desk with a small desk lamp at the side and began typing away as she worked on her little novel. She always had dreams of publishing it one day but she's not one to believe in herself. She simply kept all her works to herself, locked away in a folder titled something you would least expect to find her written novels in. A small smile graced her lips as she continued typing and typing, so much so that it was enough to distract her from the fact that she thought it was strange Nathan had yet to call or text her since they last met on the beach. 

That distraction however only lasted about an hour or so. The worry soon came creeping back and it invaded her train of thoughts. Words stopped flowing but worry and concern began flowing through her veins. Just as she was about to reach for her phone to give him a call, the screen lit up. She stared at the bright screen for a while and finally answered when she realised it was the one person she was waiting for - Nathan. 

"Hey Amelia," he greeted enthusiastically the second the call went through.

"Hey Nathan," she greeted back with just as much energy. She was sitting at the corner of her bed with her back a little straighter and her smile a little wider, the smile that Nathan was dying to see. "How are you doing? I was just about to call you." As soon as those words reached his ears, the corners of his lips curled upwards into a big smile. She didn't know just how much those words meant to him, just how happy she made him. Just thinking about how she thought of him was enough to make his smile go wide. 

"I'm good. But you know what would make me feel better?"


"Your company," he quickly said and she could almost hear just how happy he was through the phone. She imagined he had that cheeky smile plastered across his face and the way mischief would be twinkling in his dark brown eyes. For a while, everything seemed to go back to normal and she had forgotten all about yesterday and the thoughts that were stuck in her head since she had woken up.

She let out a laugh, a laugh that sounded like melodies in his ears. "Ew, stop flirting with me," she teased and he couldn't be happier knowing that she was comfortable enough to joke around with him. It was daring to say this but it almost felt as though, time had rewind back to the days before she had forgotten all about him - a fact he was still trying so hard to accept. But this time, that laugh and the words that tumbled out of her mouth were enough to make his day. He was just happy to hear her laughter, happy that he was seeing the Amelia he remembered her to be, happy that things seemed to be going back to the way they used to be. 


Hey all! I'm so sorry I haven't been updating the past 2-3 weeks but here it is! I have been experiencing writer's block and it is the absolute worse. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter and there are more exciting chapters to come! 

Don't forget to like, comment and share if you like this and feel free to talk to me! See you in the next chapter! :) 

Any guesses what they may or may not be hiding from Amelia?


Rachel xx


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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