part twenty-one.

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The once bright blue sky had significantly darkened above them and the white fluffy clouds were now replaced with dark grey ones. The beautiful golden rays of sunshine slowly faded away as they felt beads of raindrops falling down from the sky, splattering onto their warm skin. The sound of the rain echoed in their ears like a musical chime, it was one of the softest and most delicate sounds they have heard. They watched in awe for a while, watching how the leaves of the tree danced in the wind, swaying from side to side as a cool breeze ruffled their messy hair. They were busy admiring the way the raindrops would land on the grass surrounding them, admiring the way the droplet of water would roll down the petals of the flowers and the way it would fall off their arms in one smooth motion. Before they know it, the rain started pouring down onto them without another warning - a heavy rain this time.

You could still hear their voices in the heavy rain, they were laughing over the defeaning sound of the rain splashing onto the ground mercilessly. They had quickly given up trying to grab everything and dash into the car that was parked tens of feet away from where they were sitting. Instead, they decided to do what they both thought was the next best thing to do - dancing in the rain. 

Amelia always thought that dancing in the rain was very much one of the most romantic things ever, despite how ridiculous or dumb that may sound to others. But her favourite movies and shows always tend to make it seem so effortless as if it was the sweetest thing to do. Whenever they would watch one of those movies together, she would nudge him slightly tell him how fun and sweet that was or casually mention it whenever it popped into her mind. But he would only chuckle and tell her how its in the movies for a reason, simply because it's fictional. And although Amelia would always be a tad bit disappointed at his response, she never once mention it to him but only jokingly bring it up from time to time whenever a scene like that would pop up, hoping to one day convince him. But what she didn't know was despite what he had told her, ultimately, he was only worried that she would fall sick the very next day as she never does well in the cold. 

But today, he shook all of those thoughts off his head for once, letting her enjoy this very moment - a moment she had dreamt of for a very long time. This time, she was no longer just watching it through a screen on a couch in her living room but finally living in that very moment she had waited for. She was finally the main character.

Of course, Amelia didn't think she would be dancing with a boy she barely remembers or even knew in fact but something in her heart told her otherwise. It was as though it was on instinct, the moment he had his arms around her, she immediately reached up to put hers around him without any form of hesitation.     

They didn't need any music as they danced to the melody of the rain. Nathan had his hands gently placed on her waist while Amelia had hers slung loosely around his neck as the two of them swayed side to side. The corners of their lips curled upwards into a smile as they locked eyes. Anyone driving past the roads and watching these two dancing in this rain would think they were crazy and they weren't wrong, at least one of them was crazy in love with the other. 

The swaying soon became spinning as they spun and twirled around in circles as peals of laughter escaped their lips. And soon enough, they were dashing back to the car with the picnic basket in his hand and the large picnic blanket draped over their heads to shelter them from the rain despite already being drenched and soaking wet. 

"That was fun," they said almost simultaneously, the moment they had plopped down on the seats of the car. Their hair was dripping wet and their shirts clung onto their bodies, droplets of water rolling down their faces and bodies, seeping into the cushioned seats. But Nathan didn't mind that at all, as all he had on his mind was the smile that was plastered across her face. 

"I can't believe I just did that. Thank you, Nathan," she said with a grateful smile and he could see that her eyes were shining with so much joy. It was an unforgettable experience for the both of them. It was also when Amelia realised that the perfect date can only be perfect with the right person. "I always dreamt of dancing in the rain."  

He only looked at her and let a smile grace his lips as they locked eyes. "I know."


Hi all, happy belated Valentine's day!! I am back with another chapter this time, sorry I missed the weekend update as I was celebrating lunar new year over the weekend. To anyone celebrating the lunar new year as well, happy new year and I hope you enjoy yourself! 

Sorry for this rather short chapter but I hope you still enjoyed it nonetheless. Feel free to leave a comment and let me know your thoughts! Don't forget to vote, comment and share if you like this <3 They mean a lot to me!!

Have a great week ahead!

With love,

Rachel xx 

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