part six.

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Just like he had expected, he couldn't fall asleep that night and neither could she. He was back in his own bed and she was still laying in the same hospital bed. Both of them were tossing and turning for all the different reasons but the same scene was replaying in their heads for the hundredth time already.

Amelia Kim had it stuck in her head like the tune to her favourite song. The name 'Nathan' was ringing loud and clear in her ears, it felt as though something was supposed to magically pop up in her mind but all she could see was a blank. She frowned as she squeezed her eyes shut tight, wrinkles were starting to form on her forehead as she tried her best to think of something or someone, trying so hard to pinpoint something in the back of her mind. Yet, she just couldn't do it, no matter how much she wanted to. 

The memories that they once shared, the ones that she once treasured so much have just disappeared into thin air, like water on a hot summer day. It was as if they have never even existed in the first place, as if they meant nothing at all- which was untrue for the record. Right now, the only memory they shared was a bad one as she recalled what happened a couple of hours ago. She remembered the sharp pain in her shoulders when he grabbed her, it felt as though that had just happened a second ago. If she thought about it hard enough, she could feel the pain rushing back to her all at once, swallowing her, engulfing her. Just the thought of it made her heart beat a little faster and her breathing a little harder.

That night she cried herself to sleep, not knowing why. But there was just this heavy feeling in her heart as her mind nagged at her, whispering the words 'something is wrong' over and over as they echoed in her head. It was the type of feeling that cannot be explained simply in words, the type that wouldn't go away just with the snap of a finger, although that was all she wanted- for it to go away. 

And about 18 miles away from her was Nathan. He too was struggling to fall asleep even as he let his favourite song- Hotel California played softly in the back. It was something he would always do to keep himself distracted, to invade his thoughts or help him sleep better. In this case, it was both. After all, he did just witnessed everything they once built and shared slipped away before his eyes, every little drop of what they once had gone down the drain in a matter of seconds.

He can't seem to pull the idea out of his mind, the crazy idea that Amelia had completely forgotten all about him. He didn't think it was possible, in fact, he didn't think at all. He never thought that one day, the person he loved so dearly would completely erase him out of her mind, not a single trace of him. The sheer mention or thought of it made him insane. He kept telling himself that it was a dream and that he was going to wake up anytime soon or that it was a cruel prank that she had to play just to get back at him. Yet, he only found himself staring at the alarm for what felt like an eternity. 

It's 4 18 am. And there he was, laying wide awake until he finally fell asleep some time later.

The very next morning came. It wasn't quite the sunshine and flowers that Amelia and Nathan both expected. They have both expected to feel better already since that was how it was supposed to work, or so they thought. Yet, somehow they felt even worse than before. The same dreadful feeling and the same frustration plagued them both, growing stronger every minute.

Over the next few days, Amelia was finally able to go home. She managed to find just the right thing to distract her, to escape from all her problems and worries that were eating her up.

Her parents were happy to see her find her way back into writing, one of her biggest passions. It was something she never stopped talking about, something that would never fail to put a smile on her face regardless. She couldn't believe she had even forgotten about it momentarily, but losing her memory did not mean losing her passion too as it still burned strong and bright within her. It was only yesterday that she discovered an unfinished manuscript sitting inside her closet as she tried clearing it to put her mind off some things, many things actually. She had picked it up thinking they were just stacks of papers lying on top of one another or maybe they were her homework from last semesters. She had long forgotten about it. But the second she held those papers in her hands and saw the words printed on top of it, she knew she had to write and finish this little project of hers. And so she wrote and wrote, her fingers furiously typing away at the keyboard as the words poured out of her like a river, each sentence springing up after one another. It was almost as if she couldn't stop as she sat on the very same chair for hours, barely pausing to go to the toilet. But that was how she kept herself busy for the longest time, churning out chapters after chapters. 

And over the same few days, while she wrote the scenarios in her head down onto what would be pieces of paper, all he had were scenarios written in his head. All Nathan could think about was the same few things, as if he was cursed to have them destined to invade his every thought. He wasn't as lucky as her, he didn't have the escape that she had. The same feelings and thoughts remained stuck onto him like a piece of gum on the bottom of their sneakers. The same words and scene stuck in his head like pretty melodies. Yet much to his surprise, he managed to hold himself back, to stop himself from rushing back to the hospital the very next day or to go out looking for her in the days to come. But trust him when he said that he really wanted to, the urge in him was stronger than anything he had ever felt before.

Of course, he stopped himself. He wouldn't admit it but his parents managed to hold him back from a stupid decision he was about to make that very day. He had one foot out of the door when his parents' words rang in his ears. For once, he actually let their words get inside his head and for once, he actually listened and took their advice. But that was only because he knew that underneath all of that, it was indeed a horrible idea.

You see, Nathan had spent many hours over the many days, debating with himself. He let every possibility spring to his mind and convincing himself that the worst-case scenario was not worth the risk at all. He knew that Amelia would go crazy if she sees him the very next day, he knew that she needed her time and space to process everything. He also knew that if he went, she might end up hating him with every bit of her soul- it was everything he did not want.

He didn't know it but he was right. Funny thing was that he wasn't right about many things over the past 20 years, but this was one of the rare occasions that he actually was. Amelia did wake up flustered the very next day as she lay in the same hospital bed, the memories still fresh in her mind. She was constantly afraid that he would once again show up out of nowhere even after she was discharged. She was afraid of what she would have to find out what she didn't want if he comes back again. She was afraid of what would happen. Bottom line, she was afraid to see him again and she didn't want to see him again. Because without him, everything seemed normal and easier, life seemed easier. 

And despite everything she tried to do to run away over the many days, she did the unthinkable. On a typical Thursday night, 5 days after she was discharged from the hospital and many days of writing, she found herself in front of a wooden door, standing right where she never thought she would be. 


Hellos everyone, thank you so so much for reading my book! I really hope you enjoy it and do let me know if it gets confusing for you guys so I can change and edit accordingly :) Don't be afraid to comment or message me if you have any feedback, I would love to hear from you!

Once again thank you for the support and don't forget to vote, comment and share if you enjoyed it!

Much love,

Rachel xx

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