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TW: None :)

(4) New Friend

Third's person P.O.V

After 5 days, Y/N has a new room, but this time there is a clear window that can see the other patient (I HOPE U GET IT) On her right is a guy named Klaus and on her left it's just a wall.

Y/N's P.O.V

My health is kinda improving unlike before, my new room is nice and I request some pencil and sketch book so I can draw the boy from my dream maybe that can help to find him if he's existing. 

I go inside of my new room and nurse gave me my food and my medicine, I began to eat my food and drink my medicine.

Nurse: Get some rest sweetie, I'll wake you up for your last shot, later at 5pm you need some rest.

Y/N: Really it's my last shot?

Nurse: Yes after that, you just need to drink you pills.

Y/N: Okay..

I walk up to my bed and sleep.


Y/N: Uh let me confess something to you.

???: What is it?

Y/N: I like you so much. I really like you..

???: I-I can't believe that you like me.

Y/N: I know you don't feel the sa-

He cut me off by kissing me passionately

???: I like you too, I know we just know each other for like a weeks, but I really like you.

Y/N: Well that's great.

???: But I never told you my name, My name is..


Nurse: Hey sweetie it's 5pm

My eyes slowly open.

Y/N: Why did you wake me up. He was about to say his name. Fuck.

Nurse: Hey language. Uh sorry sweetie but you need to take your last shot.

Y/N: Okay..

Nurse: Don't be sad maybe if you fell asleep later maybe you will know his name.

Y/N: I hope so.

Nurse: Okay, you need to take this medicine so the shot will not react to your body violently.

I nod and drink the medicine, after some few moments my head began to hurt and my eyes close slowly.


I woke up in my room and I looked at my right side and there is someone.

???: Hey little girl.

Y/N: Who tf are you?

???: Oh My name is Klaus.

Y/N: Okay

I go to my study table beside my bed and I started to draw the boy from my dream, He has some thick brows, sharp jawline, cute dimples, and kissable lips. He's wearing a uniform and he has an Umbrella tattoo on his wrist. After that there is a knock from the glass.

Klaus: Hey what are you doing?

Y/N: None of your business.

Klaus: Okay, but I'm wondering why are you here you're just teen. Or maybe you're 58 like my brother.

Y/N: Can you shut up.

Klaus: Yea I guess you're 58.

He finally shut his damn mouth and started to talk to some other patient. He's friendly tbh.


After 1 week he became my friends but I didn't told him about my dreams because it's none of his business. But I'm still wondering about his 58 year old brother, He's always talking about him. He seems nice.

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