Dream (5)

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(5) Finally I met you

Third's person P.O.V

Days past Y/N and Klaus had a great friendship which doctors said that it's good for both of Y/N, she needs a friend and someone for her. 

Klaus already know about Y/N's dream. Klaus is saying that he might know the boy but Y/N doesn't believe.

Y/N's P.O.V

Y/N: We've been together for almost 2 months, but I still didn't know your name..

???: You're right I guess this is the time.

Y/N: Well my name is Y/N L/N

???: My name is Five, Five Hargreeves.

Y/N: Weird name but cute.

Five: Well you also have a pretty name, like you.'


I woke up while smiling and I turn on my side and Klaus is staring at me.

Klaus: Wow you're blushing and smiling while sleeping, let me guess did you guys had fun?

He said while doing this hand gesture 👉👌

Y/N: Shut up..

Klaus: So why are you smiling.


Klaus: Okay before you say his name, his name is probably same as my brother Five Hargreeves.


Klaus: BOOM! I told you I fucking Klaus Hargreeves and his my brother well not by blood, you probably know our family history, BUT NO FUCKING WAY YOU'RE GOING TO BE MY SISTER IN LAW!

Y/N: heh shut up, well that's cool since it's you him. But how can I meet him.

Klaus: Don't worry, if we both get out on this place, you'll stay at the academy.

Y/N: Really?

Klaus: HELL YEA!

He raised his both arm as a sign that he's happy for me, and I saw an umbrella tattoo on his wrist. Yea his not lying.

I'm so fucking happy that I know his name FINALLY. And I'm gladly to know that he really exist. I can't explain how happy I' am, I can't believe that this is the feeling of happiness.


Nurse: Hey Klaus, you're brother is here to visit you.

Klaus: Which one?

Nurse: They are actually two one is Diego Hargreeves and he's with a teenage boy.

Y/N: Teenage boy? He's wearing a uniform?

Nurse: Yes!

Y/N: He has a thick brows and sharp jawline.

Nurse: Yea you're right sweetie, How do you know him?

Y/N: Uh He's Five Hargreeves, and he's the one who I saw in my dreams, can I come? I just wanted to see him.

Nurse: Okay sweetie but you make sure to know your action maybe he doesn't know you.

Y/N: Yea yea I don't care I just wanted to see him.

Nurse: Okay. Come with us.

She go to my room and unlocked my door. I stood up from my bed and followed her. I can feel my excitement and Klaus is cheering me.

~ Visiting room~

The nurse opened the door Klaus get inside first and Diego gave him a death stare. Klaus as usual he's cheering and hugging Diego.

The nurse said that I'll just wait at the entrance with her because they need a family moment you know..

After some few conversation..

Klaus: So good thing that our old dear brother Five is here.

Five: What the hell do you want.

Klaus: Geez chill chill, well I have a nice adorable friend I met here and I guess you need to see her.

Five: I don't have any time for you bullshi-

Before he finished his sentence Klaus cut him by pulling my hand from the entrance, I felt embarrassing, Five saw me and we had a staring contest for 5 seconds.

Five: You seems familiar.

Y/N: I uh same. I think I saw you on my d-dreams.

Klaus: Y/N not like that you should say, Five it's me Y/N and I'm always dreaming about you and were together in my dream I'm just wondering if we could be together in real life.

Five and I gave Klaus a death glare.

Klaus: I told you they're perfect.

Y/N: Shut up Klaus.

Five hold my hand and bring me to a private spot on the room while they are watching us.

Five: Y/N?

Y/N: Yea Five?

Five: I also seeing you on my dream. I guess our dream are like connected.

Y/N: Yea I guess, I-I just can't believe that I'll going to meet you.

Five: Well same I've been waiting this to happen, and I think today is the day!

Y/N: Yea I guess it.

Five hug me and I hug back, no one hug me before, I like the feeling of being hugged.

Five: Finally I met you. I love you Y/N

Y/N: Finally I met you too. I love you too Five.

I'm so happy, and I can't believe that the boy from my dream will be my soulmate. I love you so much Five, I don't know that this is the feeling of being in love. I felt butterfly in my stomach and I'm just smiling at the whole time while blushing. For those past cruel years, I can't believe I will fell in love with someone. Thank you Five.

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