Hogwart houses' favourite part of the grounds

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Gryffindor: The quidditch pitch - It's a great place to practise your flying or to have fun watching a practise. Plus, it's good to scope out the best seats before the matches.

Ravenclaw: The castle - There's so much to explore, and it's nearly impossible to know everything about it. Once in a while, you stumble into a totally new room and it's fun to speculate it's purpose.

Hufflepuff: The greenhouses or courtyards - It's great to hang out with Professor Longbottom and help him with the plants, and the courtyards are a great place to sit around and socialize between classes.

Slytherin: The lake - It's pretty quiet and allows for some along time, and makes a great spot to sit and chat without being bothered by Filch or prefects.

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