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(pst- i'm getting less familiar with roman numerals as we go on, if i make a mistake with the roman numerals then you have my permission to yell at me. :)

Okay, calm down. France told herself. I'm not lost. I simply don't know where I am. The rational part of her brain told her that those were the same thing. She promptly told the rational part of her mind to fuck off. The rational part of her mind did not fuck off. Sad.

The next thing the rational part of her mind did was make a game plan. Thanks, rational part of her mind.

Should we maybe find a town? The rational part of her mind reasoned.

Nah. The not rational part of her mind said. Let's not.

France went with the rational part of her mind. She wandered around forever until she found a road.

That's good! Roads mean civilization!

By the time she had gotten to the town, it was around mid-afternoon, almost to be evening. Almost she just wanted to ask for directions and carry on, but that most likely wouldn't be the safest option. So she wanted to stay in an inn, mostly because she wanted to not be walking around in the dark, but also to get revenge on Jack. Because fuck Jack.

After she had gotten a room which I'm not going to write about because I suck at remembering how to book a room at an inn, she had walked up one flight of stairs and entered her room. In which she remembered that she didn't bring anything. So that was also great. But she had to live with it, so she slept in her day clothes.

Back where everyone actually knew where people were, Jack was kinda-sorta panicking. Well, he was panicking.

He couldn't think of why she would get away from him, though he had a suspicion it was because of his comment on food poisoning, which he didn't understand. Though he did remember that she told him that "Pole" was her best friend. Why the author never mentioned this, he didn't know.

Another thing, he had figured out that France wasn't poisoning Northern, mostly because he had gotten sick while she was gone. Yep, again. He needs to stop getting sick. So it couldn't be France, but it also probably wouldn't be anyone in his family, because logic. So who could it be?

Well, that was the least of his worries currently. What was the most of his worries France, because A) France's mother would freak if she found out, and B) Well, it was his fiance. He didn't want her to get murdered or anything. (good choice)

While Jack was busy panicking about France being lost, France's mother was also panicking for a whole different reason. Because she is a good mother.

See, while Avignon was busily causing an absolute ruckus around the city, Normandy wasn't getting any letters from her husband anymore, and she was sure that it was the cause of the meddling family that she was staying with.

On the eve of the 15th night of September, Normandy made plans to set sail for her kingdom. So what if they still had a diplomatic tie? France could stay. In fact, Normandy was perfectly fine with France staying. It was easier for their plan to go through.

So all was fine when she told England that she would be going back to her homeland. Because England was so untrusting of Normandy, his look of relief didn't shock her one bit.

"Pack your bags Avignon, we're leaving," She told the servant while the girl sat on her bed, reading a book.

"What- why?" Avignon asked in reply to her command. "Weren't we supposed to stay here?" A disheveled look what with her and her face told Normandy that Vichy hadn't told the girl that she should have been ready at a moment's notice.

"We're leaving. That's final. Now pack your belongings," While Avignon looked as though she was about to protest, Normandy gave her a look telling her not to argue. And it worked. The room was left empty, with no room for discussion. 

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