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    The clicks of heels much too high to be comfortable ran through the hallways of the palace.

Seriously, France thought. Just wear comfortable shoes!

She then realized that they probably didn't have the luxury of having flat shoes. Or maybe it was for fashion. Who knows?

She turned back to go to the room she'd just come out of before realizing that it wasn't there anymore, and in its place, a stone wall.

Shit. She thought as she realized she was living in yet another dream. I bet Jack doesn't have to deal with these.

Jack did in fact, have to deal with dreams (or nightmares), but we'll get back to that later.

She looked to her side and saw none other than a stone wall. To her right was yet another wall, it seemed as though she could only go straight.

So that's what she did.

She walked straight across the hallway before noticing a door and a key on a table. knowing what she knew by common sense, this definitely wasn't right to do.

She inserted the key into the door and turned it...

...and she woke up.

She felt a weird sensation in her, almost curiosity. Though that couldn't be right. She'd never felt that before, it couldn't be triggered by just a dream. She thought.

She rubbed her eyes and stretched her arms and looked over. The slumped form of the UK, holding a letter, and quietly snoring was sitting in her one chair. He looked uncomfortable sitting and slumping in the non-padded chair, but France couldn't really do anything.

The soft sound of her feet hitting the floor filled the room with barely a sound. It was silent, and judging by the amount of sunlight, it was around dawn. possibly a little later, and it made sense that no one was up.

Her nightgown slid on the floor as she walked over to the closet. Skimming the closet, she found nothing and since the day was young and light plenty, she found the urge to read another children's book, though she had to fight it, because that would be... well, childish. She laughed at the thought, which was obviously loud enough to wake the other in the room, who looked up drowsily before continuing to snore quietly.

She gently walked over to her shelf of books she filled a bit ago, she pulled out a book she read a whole while ago, remembering a snippet of a book she saw Jack reading a little bit ago.

A rustling sound disturbed her from her book for a moment as Jack raised his head like a zombie and stared at her, half asleep. He stared at her for two minutes before finally coming to his senses and popping up right over her shoulder.

"I love that book," He yawned tiredly.

"Go back to sleep,"


He stumbled back to his chair and his eyes scanned the crumpled letter. This seemed to wake him up.

He rubbed his eyes and stared at her figure, her back turned to him. She seemed to be reading a book, though he couldn't remember what it was, and he blamed his poor memory.

"Whatcha reading?"

"Nothing," she replied.

"Nonsense. If you were reading nothing, there would be no book in your hands."

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