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        Germany could tell something was wrong with Jack. It was frankly obvious, yet somehow no one else had noticed. He dragged his feet, showed no interest to things that would have excited him, and he was quiet and reserved. Well, he was always a little quiet, compared to his sister at least.

But instead of helping his friend, he was working out even more peace agreements with England. It seemed as that every little detail had to be sorted out. Hate was not strong enough of a word to describe the emotion he had towards formal paperwork. A new found respect was something Germany held for his dad, having to deal with all this.

Yeah, this was slightly boring. Literally all France did was sit there, but the ghost couldn't really get off the ship. She'd die in the waters below.


Get out of here- how are you on this ship??


Punctuation is a great thing, Wales. Anyway, back to the story, without plot conveniences like this for another chapter.

And Monarchy was already really, really bored. Understandable, but you'd except the girl to not be bored. After all, time did move quicker for ghosts.

But she did find ways to pass the time. One of them was trying to convince random people they could see her.

"You can see me!" The ghost pretended as though her hand was a wristwatch and attempted to hypothesis the random sailor who was drinking his life away.

After numerous attempts to try to hypnotize the man, she just figured that she could just listen to the conversation that they were having. She didn't learn much, just that the sailor's wife was sad.

Oh, and that and that they were about four hours away from their homeland. Monarchy kind of wanted to tell her sister this, but she realized that that wouldn't be the best idea in the entire world. Why? She didn't know. But she did know that she had that weird feeling in her stomach, the one telling her not to do it. Instead, she would just wait it out for when they finally got to France. Part of Monarchy knew that she was just going to be thrown in a different jail cell anyway, just on the mainland.

A single dress was all that Avignon owned now. Sure, she used to have a book or two, and maybe a brush, but they had gone somewhere else that she was unaware of so a single dress. The simple white dress that she wore in London where she was where she had met the one person. Northern, she was pretty sure his name was. A direction. but she didn't want to know what would be waiting for her if she went to the opposite of that direction. It was her homeland, sure, but also, she could tell if a battle was brewing. And right now, it was pretty obvious. She shoved a couple of pins for hair in her pocket. Her hair wouldn't fix its self and she really needed something else to do other than sit around for the next three hours. She walked past the place where the sailors hung out, slightly in disgust. She didn't like alcohol. She tried it once as a child and never liked it. Though, now that she was 16, it was probably time for her to try it again. Nevermind, she thought when she smelled it. She made it over to the mirror in her room and shoved her hand in her pocket. Wait, where had those hairpins gone?

Monarchy first noticed the hairpins while walking over back to the underground. These could be useful. Not for her, but for her sister. France first noticed them while she was moping around in her prison cell, because what else do you expect the girl to do? Something productive? Monarchy had stopped by earlier, to have a little chit-chat because she was bored. These must've fallen out of her pockets. Monarchy was long gone, however, and France had figured that these would be useful. But she really, really needed to learn how to pick locks.

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